A Damn Nuisance

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"Your tenancy application was refused," Pamina said. "That is regrettable."

"Refused?" Hal's eyes widened. "On what grounds?"

"Your credit score is borderline, and Global Homesteads has blacklisted you. Something about setting your carpet on fire."

"It was just a small fire," Hal protested. "My insurance covered it."

"Even a small fire is a big deal in a non-smoking building.'

"Non-smoking building? That's a laugh! There's hardly ever anyone in the smoking area, especially when the weather gets cold. They were just looking for an excuse to shaft me."

"You signed a lease and violated it. These are the consequences." Pamina's voice had not hint of blame or reprimand. She was simply stating the facts. Despite her urgent need for a new tenant, she was mildly relieved that Hex would not be sharing the duplex with her. Above-average sexual skills were not sufficient to cover all his inadequacies.

"You are as cold as an ice cube," Hal complained. "Can't you muster any sympathy at all?"

"What do you expect? I'm an accountant. I deal in facts, not emotions."

"I guess it's not the end of the world," Hal mused. "I have a place to live for the time being. The house has a FOR SALE sign on it, but there have been no inquiries so far. It could be months before I have to move."

"Or weeks. It's best to keep looking."

"I could move in with you. You have lots of space, and you're on the road a lot. You'd never even notice I'm here – except when you wanted me to be."

Pam took a minute to consider the offer. If she had any faith in the likelihood that Hex would pay his share of the expenses regularly and on time, she would be tempted to consider it. Extra money would be a welcome addition to her savings account, increasing the size of her down payment and saving her interest.

"I moved out of Eleanor's house because I like my own space. It is easier to concentrate on my work, and I get more rest."

"Don't you ever get lonely?"

"At times. But that can be remedied."

Hal got out of his chair, stretched, and stationed himself behind Pamina's chair. He kneaded her shoulders gently. He leaned over and nuzzled the back of her neck while his hands wandered down towards her breasts.

Pamina's body grew warm and fuzzy. With a superhuman effort, she pushed his hands away.

"Not now. I have an appointment in half an hour, and I don't have time to re-do my makeup."

Hal straightened. "As you wish. Shall I wait here until you get back?"

"I think you should go home and take care of business. Hustle some new clientele. I know you're under a professional cloud right now, but there are potential clients out there who don't realize that."

"I don't know why everyone blames me for the failure of Newmark Minerals. I lost a substantial amount of money too. How could I predict that the environmental saboteurs would succeed in shutting down three of their sites?"

"People get crabby when they lose money. They expect their advisors to prevent that."

"I'm not omniscient."

"We all get burned from time to time. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do some damage control. The longer you sit around doing nothing, the more trouble you will be in."

Hex re-settled in his chair. "I don't like what you're saying, but you're absolutely right. I need to get the lead out. But it's hard to stay motivated. I need guidance and encouragement." He looked at Pamina hopefully.

"My guidance and encouragement retail for $180 per hour."

"But we're friends! Lovers!"

"We have a sexual relationship that we both enjoy. I don't feel obligated to give you a discount on my professional services."

"Are you sure you're not trans? That's a totally masculine attitude. Not a shred of feminine softness. Can you at least make me a coffee for the road?"

"Sorry. I'm already late." She picked up her attache case, walked to the door, and pulled on her boots. Hal gallantly helped her with her coat.

"Can I see you tomorrow?"

Pamina's deliberated. Her common sense pointed out that she risked falling behind with her work, but her body was voting an enthusiastic yes. "I may have an opening. I'll text you."

Sex is a damn nuisance, she thought on her way to her car. I always thought those romance stories were silly, but there's more truth to them than I realized. Hex can turn my brain to mush every time.

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