New Beginnings

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"Thanks for introducing me to Jared and Roseanne," Susan told Eleanor. "I think it will be easier for me now that I can visualize them and realize that they're real people. I'm jealous of them because they're the competition, but I like them in spite of myself."

The sisters had cut short the post-meeting social in order to have a private conversation. They had planned on going to the Chatbox coffee shop, but it was so crowded that Susan kept driving. Now they were parked in front of Eleanor's house, talking in the car, where they would not be interrupted.

"What did you think of the meeting?"

"Too much psychobabble mumbo-jumbo," Susan said, "but I think I've absorbed the part about setting boundaries and enforcing them."

"That was something I never could do. I thought that love should have no boundaries."

"So you let Hal and Patrick stomp all over you, hoping they would change."

"Something like that," Eleanor said. She wanted to explain to Susan that Hal and Patrick were not the only ones doing the stomping, but it seemed like the wrong time. Someday, perhaps, they would manage healthy boundaries, honest conversation, and trust. 

 Susan was mellowing, which was a good thing, but Eleanor was still harbouring huge lumps of resentment which constantly tempted her to take advantage of the situation by kicking Susan when she was down. She couldn't afford to antagonize her too much, because the next mortgage payment would come due soon. There would be plenty of time for heart-to-heart sharing later, when Eleanor was truly independent and able to grant loans instead of begging for them.

"Angela Trent, one of Mom and Dad's neighbours called me today," Susan said. "Mom has been in the hospital for two days, and Dad never bothered saying anything to us."

"Damn," Eleanor said. "I suppose he didn't want to worry us."

"The Sullivan family tradition! If you pretend that everything is OK, nobody will worry, and eventually everything will be OK."

"Do you suppose the cancer is back?"

"I don't know, but it seems like a definite possibility. Angela said Mom started having trouble breathing during a church service, and she went to ER by ambulance. They thought it was just an anxiety attack – those happen from time to time – but they wouldn't keep her for two days for that."

"Are you going to call Dad and ask?"

"Is there any point? He'll just say everything is fine."

"So what should we do?"

"Pay a surprise visit and find out what's going on."

"I might not be able to go."

"I'll pay."

"You always do," Eleanor said, "but money isn't the only problem. I'm trying out a new job tomorrow, and it might develop into something permanent."

"What happened to the coffee shop?"

"I was fired because I stayed home to look after Patrick."

"I thought Carl was more understanding than that. He always let you get away with murder."

You're not helping, Susan.

Eleanor shrugged. "Nobody's patience lasts forever," 

"And this new job is --?"

"Hair stylist at the Extended Care wing of the Universal Health Centre."

"That sounds interesting. I didn't realize that their services include a hair stylist."

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