Da Mi Buzi

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"I'd need a completely new wardrobe for work," Kelly rattled on,  "and tons make-up every day, and an on-call hair stylist." She knew that Rolf had heard it all a multitude of times, but she couldn't stop her mind from running in circles like a crazed carousel horse. "No more cleaning, just supervising the people who are going to supervise the people who are going to do the cleaning. I don't have any admin experience. Belle said that doesn't matter, because my assistant will take care of everything. I said, in that case, why not just give my job to the assistant and save everyone a lot of trouble? Belle said that I was needed to be the PR interface person, go to board meetings, and talk to her father when she doesn't feel like it. I thought it was going to be okay because she wanted me to work out of an office in Calgary, because I would love to live closer to you, but her father has overruled that and the new headquarters will be in Victoria. B.C. I think that's too far away, but there are lots of flights from Victoria to Calgary, and I could afford to pay for them, so I guess it wouldn't be so bad."

Kelly leaned into Rolf, who had his arm around her and was patiently listening. "I'm so sorry – I know that I shouldn't be putting you through all this again, but I'm terrible about making decisions."

Rolf rubbed her back. "Moja skarbie, it's time to cut to the chase. Belle has asked you to give her a firm answer tomorrow."

Kelly sat up straight and looked at Rolf. "What do you think? You're supposed to be my partner, and you haven't said a thing."

"I think I want you to be happy," Rolf said. He turned to face her, cupped her chin in his hand, and looked into her eyes. "If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?"

Kelly closed her eyes and let her dreams run wild. "We would have a perfect wedding, with all the trimmings, and a honeymoon in Scotland. I really want my parents to see what a wonderful person you are. Then I'd become an archaeologist, and travel all over the world on digs. But I'd always come back and spend months of quality time with you before heading out again. We would build your clinic on an acreage near the mountains, alongside a beautiful house – not too big or fancy, but comfortable. I know I would love cleaning and organizing something that is my very own. And I'd take at least ten years off from work just to be the world's greatest Mom."

Rolf tilted his head quizzically.  "I don't hear administrative work anywhere on that list."

"No, it isn't. But I can learn. Maybe I would even like it. How can I turn down the opportunity to earn that kind of money?"

Rolf took both her hands in his and collected his thoughts before he spoke. "Money can't buy happiness. You must choose a life that includes as many things on your wish list as possible. Dziadek says that money bars the door to joy more often than it opens it. He worked very hard to become rich, but every time he looks back at the best days of his life, he realizes that they happened at a time when he and Babcia had very little more than each other and a big barrel full of hope."

Tears came to Kelly's eyes.  Once again, her Rolf had told her exactly what she needed to hear. "You wouldn't be upset if I turned down Belle's offer?" she asked, just to make sure she had understood him correctly.  "I've saved enough money for tuition for a couple of courses, but without those big contracts with Feng Shui Magic, I'll have to scramble to keep the bills paid. I know your grandfather said he would help with expenses, but I don't feel right about it. I want to be his granddaughter-in-law, not a paid caregiver."

Rolf kissed her forehead. "We'll find a way. But I must warn you. If I make a lot of money, I will probably spend it on taking care of unwanted animals."

Kelly smiled, her heart leaping with joy. "Of course! That's why we need an acreage."

"There is a new twist in Dziadek's journey. He has a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend?"

"Yes. His first one. Terry is a trained paramedic. He'll take better care of Dziadek than either of us could."

"They're moving in together?" Kelly said, trying to process the implications of this new information.

"Yes. Sooner rather than later. It seems that they don't want to waste any precious time. Dziadek has already talked to Uncle Herman, and I will be moving into the guest house on his ranch in July. You are welcome to come along if you wish."

"We could live together?" Kelly asked breathlessly.

"We could get married first if you wish."

"No!" Kelly said firmly. "Remember my wish list, with the perfect wedding and the honeymoon in Scotland? We can do that next summer if I work my butt off and save all the money I can this winter. I'm sure I can expand my free-lance business and do some casual work at the hospital if I stay here."

"Look who's being decisive now!" Rolf exclaimed..

"It makes a big difference if I think I have permission to decide what I really want, and go ahead and do it," Kelly said. "I've been in two relationships where I was a clinging limpet, doing everything I could to make myself indispensable and hoping my partner would be impressed by my unselfishness and make me a priority. But it didn't work. I want to stay right here, stand on my own two feet, and find my own way. I'll phone, I'll text, I'll visit. I'll even pray for you. If you discover that there is someone else you like better than me ..."

"That's not going to happen, moja skarbie," Rolf said. "You are my one and only, my treasure forever."

Kelly's eyes overflowed with tears. "I know you mean that now, but things can change. I've heard those words before ..."

"But not from me. I am not Kareem. I am not Hal. I am Rolf, and I am in love with the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world." He reached into his pocket. "This is Babcia's engagement ring. Dziadek gave it to me today and wished me good luck. Will you accept it as a reminder of how much I love you?"

Kelly sat in stunned silence, gazing at the ring. It was woven of tricoloured gold, with four small diamonds. It was well-worn and needed cleaning, but it was the most beautiful piece of jewelry that she had ever seen.

She nodded, unable to speak. Rolf slipped it on her finger. By some miracle, it fit perfectly, and looked like she had been wearing it all her life.

"Babcia asked to be buried with her wedding ring," Rolf said. "We will have to get another."

"That's perfect. Something old, something new."

"We will always have each other ..." Rolf said dreamily.

"...and a big barrel full of hope," they finished together and collapsed into each other's arms.

"Da mi buzi," Kelly murmured. "Kiss me."

"Where did you learn that?" Rolf asked.

"Social media. I asked for help to improve my communication with you." She paused and smiled impishly. "There were many suggestions."

"Then, in the interest of promoting intercultural understanding," Rolf murmured, "we will have to try them all." He pulled her close and kissed her until she was dizzy.

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