A Pawnshop Ring and Six Figures

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"Ooooh! This house looks so gorgeous. It will be a wonderful addition to my portfolio." Belle had been dashing about enthusiastically, snapping dozens of photos of the property she and Kelly had spent the day cleaning and staging for a real estate company.

"Too bad the frost season isn't over yet," Kelly said. "Some bright flowers would really make the yard pop."

"We can do that in June if it hasn't sold by then."

While she was washing, scrubbing and re-arranging, Kelly had been dreaming about the home she and Rolf might share some day. Nothing this big and luxurious, but a place with space for flowers and strawberries and a back yard with a trampoline. A happily-ever-after haven. Was it even possible? So many things could go wrong in eight years.

"Do you want to go for coffee?" Belle asked. "We've earned it."

"I don't think so. I'm exhausted. I haven't talked to Eleanor, but I bet she's cooking dinner for us."

"Too bad.  I'm in the mood for a little luxury.  I wonder if Mother has time free this evening ..."

"What's going on with you?" Kelly asked as they lugged the last of their equipment to the van. "Your feet have barely touched the ground all day."

"Big news."

"You're engaged?"

"Better than that."

Kelly decided to concentrate on her driving instead of pressing Belle for more information. Rush hour traffic was like a crazy video game, requiring her full attention.

As she had predicted, Eleanor was busy in the kitchen, even though it was Kelly's turn to cook. Spaghetti, home-made meatballs, spinach salad, and strawberry crepes with whipped cream for dessert. Not exactly diet food, but Eleanor was clearly in a mood to celebrate.

"You got your ring!" Belle exclaimed. "Congratulations!"

"Did Hal rob a bank?" Kelly asked.

"Actually, it's a family heirloom from a pawn shop. But I like it."

"Great choice," Kelly said. She wanted to ask who had done the choosing and who had paid the bill, but decided not to spoil a good dinner by being bitchy.

"Have you set a date?"

"Not exactly, but it will be before June 1. Mr. Wienczyslaw has accepted an offer on his house."

"So Hal will need a place to live," Kelly said.  Good old Hal.  Is this love, or any port in a storm?

"We're looking at a couple of apartments tonight," Eleanor said. "I haven't had any offers on the Blue Elephant yet, but I think we need our own home sooner rather than later."

"I know you're eager to sell," Belle said, "but I'm much too busy to move."

"So when you move in with Hal, it will just be Belle and me?" Kelly asked.

"And anyone else who wants to rent a room temporarily. I'll be putting out some feelers."

And we get to do all the cooking, cleaning and yard work while entertaining and cleaning up after random guests, Kelly thought, stabbing a meatball more viciously than she had intended. The sooner I get out of here, the better. Maybe I should have another talk with Rolf about living in Calgary with him. Dziadek might be disappointed if I don't move in with him in September, but it's not like he can't afford to hire someone else. I don't think I'll be getting free tuition if I walk out on him, but I would rather be on my own two feet anyway. Archaeology can wait until Rolf is a full-fledged vet.

She focused on her food and contributed nothing to the conversation while Eleanor and Belle talked back and forth. Anything she had to say would be less than welcome.

When they were finished, Kelly complimented Eleanor on her cooking and volunteered to clean up and do the dishes. Belle offered to help. Eleanor said that, in that case, she would take a quick walk around the neighbourhood before Hal picked her up at seven. She had barely touched the food she had prepared, except for a large bowl of salad with a little oil and vinegar. She had been on a major diet-and-exercise binge ever since the new year, trying to avoid the humiliation of a plus-sized wedding gown.

"So, what's the big news?" Kelly asked as soon as Eleanor was out the door.

"Chichi has finally accepted the concept of Takeshi Home Designs. Start-up in September."

"Wow. That's exciting! Is your mother going to head it up?"

"Not officially. I am going to be Home Designs Division vice-president and CEO, but she'll be watching every move I make and whispering in my ear before I make a fool of myself."

"I know it's a great opportunity, but are you sure you want to work for your father?" Eleanor asked. "From what you've told me, he's pretty controlling."

"He's the devil I know, so I'll manage to work around his idiosyncrasies," Belle said. "Anyway, I don't have a lot of choice. Either I work with him, or I will have to compete with him. Takeshi is a well-established brand with virtually unlimited money and manpower. Chichi would run over my business like a tank."

"So maybe the new venture is all about getting you back under his umbrella. Is that what you want?"

"I haven't given him an answer yet." Belle busied herself wiping down the kitchen while Kelly made tea and tried to absorb the full impact of what Belle had told her. Feng Shui Magic and its lucrative contracts would disappear, and Kelly would be reduced to her original free-lance operation. If she had known this was coming, she would not have quit her job at the hospital.

They were working on their second cup of tea before their discussion resumed.

"If I agree to head up Takeshi Home Designs, would you be my assistant?" Belle asked. "I'm sure I can negotiate six figures for you."

"Six figures?" Kelly asked, overwhelmed. "Six figures, as in a hundred thousand dollars a year?"

"More like a hundred and fifteen, plus bonuses."

"Oh my goodness." Kelly's head started to spin, surveying all the wonderful things that money could make happen.

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