The Birthday Haircut

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Jared and I have a therapy session at eight o'clock tonight. Would you like us to drop Patrick off for a visit before he goes to camp?

Eleanor leaned back in her recliner and shut her eyes, trying to collect her thoughts. She had muted her phone while she was working, and had been too tired to check for messages while she was on the bus. Roseanne's text had been sent over two hours ago.

The timing was terrible. She was completely exhausted after her first day at the hospital, and all she wanted to do was lie around until it was a reasonable time to go to bed. On the other hand, she was being offered a golden opportunity to have some time with her son. Once he was in rehab, he would not be allowed to phone anyone.

Are they using me as a baby-sitter?  she wondered.

Not likely. They came to the Reality Check meeting together. This is probably a kind gesture on Roseanne's part.

Unless there's a hidden agenda. Damn it, why am I so suspicious?

I wonder how long Patrick will be here and what we'll talk about. When we were on the phone, we could say good-bye as soon as things got uncomfortable, but this will be different. I guess we can always watch TV if all else fails.

Come on, Eleanor. It's only a couple of hours.

I don't have to do it. I can say no, I'm too busy, too tired, too whatever. But I'd kick myself afterwards.

Eleanor sat up straight and texted her response.

Sorry for the delay. I was at work. I'd love to see Patrick.

She started wondering what kind of therapy Roseanne was doing after regular work hours, and why she had to take Jared along. Would they expect a coffee klatch when they came to pick up Jared? Would it be all right to tell them that she was too tired to socialize? What if --? What if --?

She was relieved when she heard Kelly come in the door. She really needed someone to keep her awake and distracted.

Kelly sang out, "I'm home!" and went straight upstairs. A few minutes later, she started working in the kitchen. Eleanor was immensely grateful that it was not her turn to cook tonight. She was tempted to stay put until Kelly told her that dinner was served, but she would surely doze off and be useless for the rest of the evening. Talking to Kelly would be much more stimulating.

"Would you like me to set the table?" she asked.

"That would be great. We're having a three-course dinner. Won-ton soup, ginger beef, mushroom fried rice, and cupcakes with frozen yoghourt. Supermarket fare, not take-out, but the cupcakes are from chez Angelique. And I got a bottle of brandy."

"What's the occasion?"

"Don't you know? It's your birthday!"

"Really? I lost track of time. Is it the sixteenth already? Good grief, I'm an old lady now. Thirty-seven. Over the hill."

"You can move faster if you're going downhill," Kelly said.

"I'll go upstairs and freshen up," Eleanor said. She didn't want Kelly to see her cry. She might not understand that she was overwhelmed with joy and amazement. She had no idea what the thirty-eighth year of her life would look like, but the first day was more than she had dared to hope for.

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