Welcome Aboard

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"There were four applications for the job, besides yours," Ms. Carmichael told Eleanor, riffling through the sheets of paper on her desk. She set them down and made eye contact.

Here it comes, Eleanor thought. My days as a hospital stylist are over. At least it's something to put on my resume.

"One of the applicants has nothing to offer of interest. The other three have substantial training and experience."

Eleanor pasted on her best attempt at a friendly smile, and prepared to launch her I've-really-enjoyed-working-here speech.

"However, you have a strong endorsement from Mrs. Willoughbee. She insists that you are essential to the operation of this hospital, and must have your hours extended to full-time so that everyone can benefit from your massage skills."

Eleanor concentrated on keeping her smile pasted on straight. So the patients like me – is that enough to get me a permanent position? That's not how the real world works.

"Congratulations, Eleanor. It appears that I underestimated your political skills."

Eleanor's smile dissolved into confusion. "I don't understand."

Ms Carmichael looked at her sharply. "Do you mean to tell me that you didn't realize that Mrs. Willoughbee is the mother of the chairman of the hospital board?"

"I had no idea. I went into her room because she was crying, and I kept coming back because she asked me to. Is that too much for you to believe?"

Ms Carmichael's expression relaxed just a little. "I have observed that you are a compassionate and nurturing person. Maybe you are the right person after all." She stood up and held out her hand. "Welcome aboard."

Eleanor froze with astonishment. Several seconds ticked by before she had the presence of mind to respond. She heaved herself to her feet and took the offered hand gingerly, like a holy relic. "Thank you, Ms. Carmichael."

"Call me Eileen. My father keeps telling me I can't pronounce my own name correctly, so I think it would be unfair to expect anyone else to."

"Eileen." Eleanor savoured the word. "I'm so grateful I can stay. I love this job."

Eileen smiled. "I'm glad you're staying too. I hate informing unsuccessful applicants that they didn't score, but I hate firing people even more."

When Eleanor emerged from the office, she felt as if she could fly. She was standing outside the hospital, debating whether she should take the bus or call a taxi, when Hal's hatchback pulled up beside her.

"Hello, my angel. May I offer you a ride home?"

"No thanks. I'm waiting for Kelly." Eager as she was to talk to someone, she did not want to get involved in a conversation with Hal.

."Get in. We can wait together."

Reluctantly, Eleanor got into the car. Once again, she had painted herself into a corner with a lie. She had no idea where Kelly was or what she was doing. She pulled out her phone and texted, Are you getting off work soon? Hal wants to give us a ride home. We're at the main entrance.

Miraculously, an answer appeared immediately. On my way.

I got the job. Eleanor texted. We can shop for scrubs.

YIPPEE! I told you so.

"Congratulations," Hal said. She turned towards him, and realized that he had been leaning over, reading every word. She considered reprimanding him, but her mood was too buoyant for a fight.

"Thank you. I'm overwhelmed."

"Time for a celebration, I believe. Can I take you ladies out for dinner? I was thinking of going out for all-you-can eat fish and chips at Captain Ben's."

Oh – oh. He's turning on the charm again. I wonder what he's after this time. But if I say no, he'll probably try to wangle an invitation to have dinner at my place.

"I don't know what Kelly is planning. We'll have to check with her."

"I can't imagine that she'd turn down the chance to bypass cooking," Hal said.

Eleanor could think of nothing witty to say, so she fidgeted until Kelly arrived, wreathed in smiles. "Congratulations, Eleanor!" she exclaimed as she slid into back seat of the car. "I knew you could do it!"

"I owe it all to you and Mrs. Willoughbee. Everything started with a haircut and a foot massage."

"You know Angela Willoughbee?" Hal asked. "The widow of one of the major patrons of this hospital?"

"Oh dear!" Eleanor groaned. "I just signed a confidentiality agreement saying I could not disclose names, and I've violated it already. Please pretend this never happened."

Hal looked disappointed. "I really wanted to hear that story."

"Let's just say that some of the patients really appreciated my work, and that helped push me to the top of the list of applicants."

Hal turned around in his seat and looked at Kelly. "Are you interested in supper at Captain Ben's?"

"Are you buying?" Kelly asked with a touch of sarcasm.

"Indeed I am. A substantial cheque arrived yesterday morning."

"Fish and chips it is, then," Kelly said. "Unless you're willing to pay for a lobster tail?"

"If you flutter your eyelashes at me, I might," Hal countered as he pulled away from the curb.

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