➤ chapter 12 | all bark, just bark literally

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"Ah! Nami, we're approaching the island!" Your eyes were set dead on to the island straight ahead as you announced to the lass, who was seated over on the railings with a smile on her face

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"Ah! Nami, we're approaching the island!" Your eyes were set dead on to the island straight ahead as you announced to the lass, who was seated over on the railings with a smile on her face. It had been two days by then after the whole incident and the deal being sealed.

Loki was in fact disapproving by your next shenanigan involvement. Especially to someone who he was about to scare off a days ago. He huffed in complaint and just fully accepted your decision at that point since he can't really do much about it and as long as he doesn't get involve trouble with it.

After that, he tries to avoid Nami at any time. The lass understood his actions and left him be also but at the same time was grateful for that since she's pretty much scared still from Loki.

Hoping that eventually Loki warms up a little to the girl.

As for you and Nami, you both were pretty much getting along. You had shared the few similar tastes and interests as her, especially when it comes to the talk of fashion and navigating. Mostly she had questioned your taste in vintage and old-style clothing. For someone out of this world, yes—it is pretty strange but you like it. But questionable as it seems, she had also had an eye on some certain clothes you have.

For such a young girl, not only working hard to get that a lot of money for something but she is very knowledgeable around navigating and mapping. The day before she was able to predict a terrible weather by her senses. You were amazed by the skillful talent. You shared more until it came to the topic of traveling through the Grand Line. She was shocked when you told her that.

"WHAT!? GRAND LINE! Just you and your cat?! That's crazy! Anyone going there won't even survive for a minute, especially by your own!" She let out a disbelieved outburst.

"I'll survive. Probably." You shrugged casually. When push comes to shove; magic is the solution. Right? To be used in certain emergency situations of course.

"Probably!? It wasn't named the pirate's graveyard for no reason!" She shook her head.

You just laughed it off and reassured everything will be fine for you. Danger wasn't foreign to you and you had been in life-threatening situations before, still currently breathing to this day.

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