part 2.

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Third person POV//

Alexander sits silently at his small desk placed upon the dark hard wood floor in his master bedroom. His school work sits half finished on the desk, while his cold eyes stare blankly out the raindrop covered pane of glass in-front of him. Alexander listens to the thunder roaring out his window and allows the lightning to blind him for split seconds at a time to drown out the sound of his parents hollering at one another from across the large home, that most people would call a mansion. The ten year old boy lets a huff of air slip through his lips before pushing the chair to his desk back and flipping his homework books closed.

Turning on his heels the boy goes towards the door of his room and begins to open it slightly. The sound of his parents' voice's once mumbled, now roll in to his ears like a herd of elephants; however he is not new to this, rather he could recite line for line what his parents will say during a fight as if it's a poor film he's seen a million times. Some lines just never get old apparently, it's always the same old , same old -

  "You don't care about Alexander!"

"You don't care about this family!"

   "Alexander isn't good enough!"

"You're not good enough!"

His parents could go on for hours but it'll always come to an end and they always shut up eventually.
As if in cue the yells quite down and hushed words his parents began to share could be heard. Alexander took this as his cure to head out of his large room and wonder his way down the stairs. The boy kept his head down and his eyes averted from his parents upon entering the kitchen, he wouldn't want to stir up another argument; however upon entering the kitchen he stopped in his tracks when hearing the end of a sentence that his father just finished saying.

" We could always just adopt- "

When Alexander's father said those words his blue eyes snapped up from the polished ground below to meet his fathers. "Adopt what?" The young boy asked in a dry yet curious sounding tone. This obviously peeked his parents attention since Alexander wasn't one for letting many things grasp his attention, even as a young boy.

"Oh Alexander, we were just discussing adopting a child. You'd be a big brother, wouldn't you like that?" His mother asked, as her bright eyes stared at her son expectantly in hopes he would show some sort of interest again in what his parents were discussing.

"Yes we think it would help the —" his father trailed off a little before sighing softly "- situations, our family has been having." His father finished in a grumbled tone looking at the boy blankly, his expression void of much emotion unlike Alexander's mother.

Alexander opened his mouth to respond but closed it almost instantaneously, did his father just call a child an 'it'? Did his parents truly just hope a new child would fix all their problems, that a new child would be better than Alexander and replace him.

Would his parents replace him? Was he not good enough for them anymore? Would they give this child more attention? Was this them finally throwing him away..? Could he throw it away instead?

Alexanders teeth clenched and his nails dug in to the palms of his closed fist while his mind raced with never ending questions. The ridged look of the boy drew his mother to gently tap his arm and caused Alexander to snap back to reality his previous thoughts confusing him.. Why did he suddenly have such scary thoughts? Why did they happen? What's wrong with him? Was he supposed to be feeling this way?

Before his brain could ponder over it any longer the young boys brain bounced back to what his father had called the child, as a young boy who wanted nothing more then to appeal his parents he began to wonder if "it" was the proper term to call a child they had no relation too. Would it please his parents to refer to the child as an it? However glancing once more to his mother's face it clearly wasn't as she was now scowling at her husbands blandly handsome features.

"Be a big brother? Not interested." He spoke dryly causing his mother and father to both refocus on him. It wasn't as if they actually cared about his opinion but it would probably be a smoother sailing ride if he did agree to it, because what followed next was the exact reason he didn't want another child in the house with him.

"Alexander, you're such a selfish little boy. We spoil you and you think you can just keep it all to yourself?" His mother snapped sharply.

His father shifted from the counter he was leaning against and looked down upon the young boy who looked like his clone with his mother's eyes. "You will be an older brother, and you will be a damn good one. Do not be selfish Alexander." His fathers words were like venom.

He wasn't selfish. No. He was saving the poor child who would come to this family and be neglected. They wouldn't be loved... no they would be loved. He would be forgotten. He wouldn't be loved. He was selfish.

The young boys thoughts couldn't stay in one place he felt as if he needed to cry but he couldn't. His parents figures towered over him. He wanted to run, but he needed to get angry. He needed to yell. He needed to hurt something.

"I'm sorry mother, father, it won't happen again. I'll be a good big brother and help our family come together again." Alexander said in a quiet voice.

He said sorry? For what? A "good big brother" ? Like hell. He didn't want a brat in the house. They would make a mess. It would steal his attention. He works so hard for it all.

"Oh good ! You're such a good boy!" His mother happily exclaimed. She did a full 180, she has just become a new person.. it's scary, she's scary.
"We have already talked to many adoption professionals and found an amazing home with plenty of children we would like to meet with. You'll be joining us of course, help see who fits in our perfect family dynamic. You'll get a sibling you absolutely love!" She continued, practically gushing over the process and what was soon to come.

Alexander was not impressed, rather he was beginning to master zoning his mother out even at ten years old she was just so loud.. and mean. When the word sibling and love was mentioned he just gave a gentle nod. He wouldn't want to be yelled at once more because he wasn't paying attention.

Although he really didn't even know what love was or what the concept even meant, he knew he wouldn't learn to love anything.

Alexander was not going to have any interest in some brat,
At least that's what he thought.
and oh boy- how wrong he was.

{ A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourself. Today's chapter has been a lot longer than the last one , so that's exciting ! 1295 words !

My updates have been close to none and very spaced apart, I apologize for that! I'm trying to keep my writing inspiration high, but sometimes I just burn out and feel at a loss of what I could write that will captivate you all enough! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I hope to update more frequently ! :)) I hope you're all well and staying safe ! <3 }

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