part 9.

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Third person pov: //

Everything will be okay.

Is what Rosalie thought as her feet skipped swiftly through the halls and down the flight of stairs before her. She was careful to take one at a time and held the railing but that didn't slow her down. The sound of chatter filled her ears, only two people. It must have been Valentina and Anthony. That got her even more excited.

Skidding her steps to a stop outside a large opening and let a soft giggle out and hopped her way through to show the family being seated at the table.

She hopped happily over to stand in front of her new mother, a smile gracing her beautiful features as she looked up to the woman.

"It's about time, young lady. We've been waiting for quite some time." Valentina scolds her new daughter. Her gaze looking down upon the girl standing now nervously in front of her.

" 'm sowwy.. i didn't know. i couldn't find a pretty outfit. I'll be better." Rosalie responded, all the excitement and joy she felt just seconds prior fizzled out in seconds of being scolded.

"Valentina." Anthony's voice rang through the room, a rough grumble and irritation laced his voice as he stood.
"Little Rosalie you look very beautiful." He spoke again as he rounded the chair and picked the girl up. Chuckling at her noise of surprise, seconds later the older male had placed her on a chair beside Alexander's.

"Dig in now. It's no doubt you're hungry." He grumbled and turned away going back to his own seat. His kindness had caused a blush to crawl up the girls neck and covering her cheeks.


Alexander stared at the whole situation, he stayed quite and simply glared towards his mother in response to her actions. When he saw the joy fall off his sisters face it was as if something was slowly snapping within his mind.. his heart.

He didn't like it one bit, yet he couldn't help but almost be pleased with the fact Rosalie was being treated the same way he was by his mother. However that feeling only lasted a second before his father babied her. She was seven, not two.. though he couldn't lie, she did act like a younger child a lot of the time. Her innocence and naive behaviour made his insides turn in such a conflictingly wonderful way.

He was pleased with the creative and corrupting thoughts that were flying through his head.. yet when the mere thought of anyone else preforming such things crossed his mind it made him clench his fork rested in his hand quite tightly. The young boy couldn't understand why it angered him but he would trust his gut.

"Eat you two." Valentina spoke up, her voice softer than before, and her eyes glancing at Anthony's when she spoke as of searching for approval as to avoid arguing once again.


Throughout the whole dinner it was awkward and quiet. The only person who initiated conversation would be a little Rosalie and even then it died out pretty quickly with vague responses from the other three, she was starting to realize they weren't the talking type of people. To her disappointment of course.

However it wasn't long until dinner ended and everyone got up to leave. Rosalie however stayed seated watching the three retreating figures before standing slowly and grabbing a handful of plates.. well two plates that barely balanced on her small hands. Receiving a few side glances from the other maids in the home as she wobbled her way into the kitchen and placed them beside the sink.

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