part 6.

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third person POV//

After the hair pulling incident Alexander seem to be more interested in the girl and her every move, even more interested than he was the first time he saw her, if that's even possible.

He noticed his parents had been gone for at least thirty minutes now and all he has done is mess with the younger girl and to no avail has he seen any flaw she was perfect, the perfect play thing.

No matter the amount of times he would tease her, or pull on her beautiful hair did she make a peep. Rather he noticed she seemed pleased, as if she thought of it as some sort of game. When in actuality the attention he was giving her made her heart sore to the sky in joy.

It wasn't until the sound of heavy steps and sharp heels clicking against the floor rang through the room that Alexander dropped his hands from the younger girl and stood up straight to face his parents. All emotions he was once showing to Rosalie faded and his face stiff as stone.

"Ah Alexander, wonderful to see you spending time with your sister to be." Valentina spoke gently touching her sons shoulder before crouching down to Rosalie's level, watching as Anthony did so as well. That was a first.

The girl lifted her hand and gently grabbed Alexander's sleeve startled when she saw the larger man, the 'king' too crouch down. He was so much bigger then her, she's never seen someone so big. This action caused the younger boys stone face to falter as he looked down on her. Annoyed as he may look he made no move to shake her off. Rather he admired how tiny her little hand was that gripped on to his clothing. He liked it.

"It's alright hunny, we just wanted to tell you that starting next week we will have a few visiting days while they go through all the adult papers. Before long you'll get to come to a new home." Valentina said with excitement lacing her words, it was clear to adults and well anyone who wasn't Rosalie that she was over doing her excitement towards the little girl. No one would expect such joy out of the Valentina Caddel.

"Me?" Rosalie's soft voice rang out in almost confusion before a bright smile took up her adorable face. "You want me!" Her voice was a soft squeal of excitement as she tugged on Alexander's sleeve and hugged her bunny to her chest with her other arm. She was pleased to say the very least.

"Yes Rosalie, we want you to be in our family." Anthony spoke up, his deep voice clearly being forced as a softer tone to not startle her again.

However the ten year old Alexander stood stiffly eyes watching his now unofficial little sister in all her excitement babble to the two adults in-front of her while constantly pulling at him in joy. He couldn't find it in himself to be annoyed with it, with her.

He was growing to feel almost infatuated with her.


The process would take a while they would have to go through the papers, do background checks, and the adults plus Alexander would have to go through visiting days as to make sure they got along well with Rosalie. Those however would be very short and limited since this wasn't a very thorough or responsible place for kids to live in the first place. Rather 'Mother' tried to rush and get any child she could to be adopted as quickly as humanly possible.

Besides these were the Caddel's it would take a much shorter amount of time, they have money, power, status.

A process that usually would take two to six months or longer would be cut.. significantly. They would be expecting her in their home in only a month if everything went according to plan.

They , all four of them had moved to a private room to talk and play. By playing it was more so awkward for the first few minutes because the adults had never played with their son before, they always had maids or a nanny keep Alexander entertained. They were unsure what to do until little Rosalie guided them, however excited she was she was calm, collected, unnatural behaviour for a child her age, especially with a room full of toys at the tips of her fingers.

It wasn't long before Anthony and Valentina excused themselves to go discuss things with 'Mother' - like education, allergy's, Rosalies ability to to certain things..etc. However it wasn't a secret between the three members that she would grow up to be a pretty face and a good money maker for the family. At least.. that was what their plan was as of now, who knows what can occur in the future.

Alexander watched his parents go with a scowl before turning back to the little girl. Childish in his ways of glaring at the stuffed toy he held in his hand as of blaming it for all his problems in this moment. While his glare was fixated on the toy an adorable giggle rang out through the room- a giggle that had his eyes snapping up to Rosalie in a second. Mesmerized by the sound of what he could say was the most beautiful noise known to man. A giggle that at only 10 years old froze him in place.

"Silly, you can't make it play like that!" The girls voice was like a melody, something he could listen to for hours, it annoyed him he thought such a thing, and that it could snap him out of his trance.

Little feet patter over in-front of where Alexander sits and pulls the toy a bit to be turned towards her and lower to the ground.

"See! Now they-" she gestured to the stuffed bunny in her hand, set in the same position"- can play together!"

Her hand reached up and patted his black hair as of reassuring him it was okay he didn't play right.
Alexander's face heated up with the contact and he leaned away from her pats after one to many with a scoff, he hated her touch. Liar.

"I know how to play." He stated confidently. Lies, of course. However he wouldn't let a little girl think lower of him because of something as silly as this.

"Mhm you play good !" She exclaimed with a tone of reassurance. Rosalie's voice seemingly coming out way easier when it was just the two of them alone. Her eyes fixated on the ground pretending to make her stuffed bunny hop around Alexander's toy, which was unmoving.

"Tch, I'm good at everything." he responds only a few seconds later.

"uh huh!" Rosalie spoke out in a sure but distracted tone continuing to push at and pull other toys scattered around them in to her own little game.

'stupid kid. she's not even listening to me' Alexander thought to himself and watched Rosalie play in her old little world with the other toys more than his now. That seemed to irk him as he gently, ever so slightly made the stuffed animal he held move, and in only seconds did he see her eyes light up and all her attention draw back on to him and his toy.

He couldn't believe he had gotten jealous at toys... un human, dirty, old objects.. all because they caught Rosalie's attention away from him. The feeling in his chest made him upset, he didn't like feeling that way.

It almost made him feel angry when her eyes weren't on him.

he wanted her to only look at him.

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