part 4.

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Alexander's POV //

It was the morning of , to say the least I was not excited. I would have to not only travel a ways away with my parents, but also have to eventually meet other children who would probably be far too loud.. and frankly annoying.

However it didn't take long for the whole family to be piled in to one of our many vehicle's.. my parents had decided to leave late morning, something about wanting to get enough time to see all their 'options'. Really though I hadn't been listening at all.

We arrived some time later, upon our arrival we exited the vehicle and began to walk up the small stone pathway that lead to an older looking house, it was quite large and had a lot of open area and toys laying on the ground. The toys looked years old, many broken and dirty. I internally cringed at the sight. My parents wanted to get a dirty child, a child with no class? Disgusting.

Upon walking to the door I watched as my mother tapped her hand against the old wood and it wasn't even a second that passed by before the door swung opened and an older lady was there smiling upon us with crooked teeth, and messy hair. Wonderful, a crazy lady. She welcomed us in and immediately started talking about the wonderful children and how their were plenty of options for us to see and meet. I began to tune her out as she lead us down a narrow hallway filled with kids art work and framed photos of what I only assumed to be children who were adopted previously. We continued towards an opening that looked to be some sort of room filled with toys.. it was a loud, child filled living room. Wonderful.

When we stopped it was like all hell broke loose, kids started squealing in excitement, jumping around and running right at my family. It wasn't hard to see that my father and I were uncomfortable the second these dirty children entered our space, however mother seemed to be taking it much better than us as she talked and answered few questions the children had. It was like her to play nice in the public's eye, as if she was a saint.

Many of these children were stupid, many were annoying and their voices made my head hurt instantly. With the amount swarming us at once it was clear even these kids could smell our money from miles away. My father seemed think the same way judging by the way he hasn't wiped the scowl off his face since we came in.

I tore my eyes away from the children swarming my mother and started scanning the room, allowing my icy eyes to look over every child in disgust. They were nothing to me, simply brats that would be in my way and I would have to get rid of.

It wasn't until I caught the eye of a little girl, she was younger, she looked out of place. She stood in the back of the room with her toy alone, seemingly having no interest in us whatsoever. That was until she made eye contact with me and when she seemed to realize I caught her staring it was only a matter of time before I watched as her cheeks turned red and she swiftly looked away.

Her hair beautifully coloured, looked to be matted, but had perfect length. Perfect skin tone, adorable size. So small. If any of the brats here were to be my sibling it would have to be her.

Nudging my father I kept my eyes locked on the little girl,

"Her, father. Look at the small one."

only seconds later after speaking my mind did I hear a chuckle come from my father.. a chuckle. Impossible. He must like what I picked. It was merely seconds later when I heard my fathers voice, quiet and aimed towards my mother.

We then began our approach after my mother had kindly shooed off the other children.

Many of the children along the way whined or scoffed at the direction, or more so the person we were going towards. The small girl seemed flustered at the fact we were heading her way. Her eyes scanning anywhere but us and her body frozen in place but stiff as if she could sprint off at any given moment, she was acting like we were going to eat her, attack her. She was acting as if we were some sort of predator and she was -

Like prey.

// A/N:  I'm starting to post after a long while, finally !  I've gone back and changed names, last names, and some other details in the story to make it flow smoother- yet also so it would be easier for me to get creative and allow my writing to be easier ! I hope you can understand ! I'm wanting to do more edits on the past chapters, however I have yet to get a chance too :))

I've come back through and changed things here and there but the chapter is exactly the same, promise! Just taking feedback and trying to make the story better for everyone! //

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