part 12.

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third person pov: //

They had arrived at the mall a short amount of time later.

After breakfast hadn't been eventful at all, besides their parents snide and forceful comments nothing went wrong. Rosalie was cleaned up, dishes were taken away and she hadn't gotten injured after this meal. They were brought to the car and off they went with no problems. A ten and seven year old.. going in public alone. It may have been because their parents owned the large mall , and they had multiple guards around them at all times but still.. irresponsible parenting.

Valentina and Anthony both thought that being seen in public at a young age, in nice clothing and good posture would show the word how safe, cocky, and more or less mature the children would be. A sign of, 'our children are better than yours'

Besides that all , when they arrived at the mall the two were assisted out. Instantly their were gasps, head turns, and flashes of cameras flying all around them and they had only just gotten out in-front of the doors. Entering the building would be troublesome with this many people around. Alex nodded to one of the guards and again like magic he and two others stood to block the eyes of others.

Alexander took this chance to kneel down in-front of his sister and grab both her hands. The frantic look reminded him of a deer in headlights. He knew taking her in public so soon would cause troubles.

"Rosalie, listen here now. There will be many people in this mall that will be taking pictures and following our steps. I will remind you now that nothing will happen.. they.." he paused before speaking again and let go of one hand running it through her hair. "They are fans?"
'Is that the right way to put it?' He wondered

"We are important people.. you are part of a very important family now, they will simply want to see how beautiful you are is all, see your smile." He said reassuringly pulling things out of his own ass at this rate.

"My smile?" Her eyes brightened.

'That's all she caught?' He thought with an internal face palm.

"Like we're a princess and a prince!?" She childishly spoke out, bouncing on the balls of her toes.

"Yes Rosalie, just like that. So smart." He replied watching as her ears turned red at the praise. He liked that reaction. A lot.

"Let's go now." Once he said that and stood up , keeping hold of one of Rosalie's hands the guards moved to a more convenient standpoint of protection and lead the way in through the double doors of the grand mall. This would be exciting..


Upon entering Rosalie glanced back over her shoulder to see two large men behind them and she shrunk in to Alexander's side squeezing his hand. She didn't know those guards yet.

Alexander took note of this and glanced back to them, his eyes narrowing but knew that the guards could only take a small step back. It was better than nothing.
His head turned back and he gently pulled the girl closer to his body as flashes of cameras continued to surround them. He knew the guards outside closed the mall to paparazzi, however they could do very little about the people inside the mall. As much as the Caddel's care about their children, they care about public appearance and their own business most. Hence why they would never close the mall down.

"Little Rosalie, where would you like to go. Room decor or toys?" Alexander's voice broke through asking her, completely unfazed by the cameras. His face solid and cold to them all, and unfortunately to his sister in the public eye.

"Room peas !" She exclaimed excitement lacing every words at the talk of actually going into a store. When she realized she yelled.. her head shot right back in to the hidden, and safe place of Alexander's side.

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