part 11.

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third person pov: //

Alexander woke with a start, breath heavy, hands burning. The young boy instantly sat up and snapped his head to the side to see that Rosalie was soundly sleeping. A sigh of relief left his lips.

She was still there , beside him.

Alexander's bright eyes shined ever so slightly as he admired his sister, her beauty even so young was unmatched.

The sun that snuck through the blinds and swept through the room had began to pepper her face so beautifully, the sun brightening the colour of her hair. She shined like a little angel.

His little angel, so beautiful she was.

Shaking such thoughts out of his head he began to push himself out from under the covers slowly, glancing at the side clock resting on the nightstand beside Rosalie. It was already seven in the morning. They would have to go down for breakfast soon.

He gently ran his hand through her tangelos hair and down her cheek before quietly dragged himself to his closet grabbing his clothing for the day. It was nothing fancy, however nothing as low as what he views as commoners would wear.
Gathering the clothing he had left to the bathroom where he started the water and undressed himself for a shower.


Rosalie had woken up to the sound of the water,  the little girl slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes to get the tiredness out and looked around the room whining ever so slightly as the sun shine smacked her right in the face through the cracks of the blinds.

The little girl grabbed her bunny and pulled the covers back up messily as a way of trying to make the bed up. Her injured hand.. well finger bumped in to the bed side table causing her to yelp out, hand holding her bunny flying to cover her mouth as to not alert Alexander.

Quickly she started to tip toe out of the room and swiftly, yet stumbling across the hall seeing Alfred and Mary speaking to one another. She paused for a second to wave to the two of the older workers receiving a smile and wave from Alfred, yet a sorrow filled look and a small wave from Mary.

'Wonder why she looks so sad?'
Rosalie thought to herself as she twisted the knob to her room and wobbled her way in on tired feet before closing the door behind her small self.

Rosalie looked around her brightly lit room and opted to go in to her closet to dress herself for the day. She was a big girl after all she could choose her own clothing.. right?


The outfit she had chosen was horrible, terrible. Mismatched colours of brown and hot pink, dark blue and moss green and the patterns.. so different, stripes and polkadots, different styles and brands. But she thought she looked so good.

Deciding to head out of the room to go somewhere else she reached for the handle only to stumble back upon a frantic looking Alexander swinging her door open and scanning her room before his eyes dropped to hers.

"Alex??" She asked in almost a whisper and took a small step back as he swiftly approached, door closing quickly behind him with a gentle slam and he dropped to his knees gripping her shoulders.

"Rosalie.. god, why did you just- no why.." he groaned in frustration when he couldn't get the words out right, nor could he understand why he himself of all people was frantic. He couldn't wrap his head around it. Not one bit. "Do not, and i repeat, do not leave me with out letting me know. With out my..." he trailed off as his eyes ran down her outfit.

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