part 8.

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Third person pov//

It had been hours past since Alex and the guards had left with Rosalie from the place that was once her home. Although they drove fast it was a smooth ride with limited mishaps besides the little girl being frantic at the beginning. That had been hours ago and for that Alex was grateful, for it gave him time to think about his what he saw as silly actions.

Rosalie had slept the whole way and only stirred to the feeling of the car slowing to a stop and the sound of doors opening. For the entirety of the ride she would snuggle closer to the boy and yet not once did he stop her.

Alexander slowly pulled the hood off of her head and poked at her cheek ever so gently.. her bright eyes opened and a whine left her lips when the setting suns light shined through the car door that had been opened by a guard for the two of them.

"Let's go now Rosalie, we're home." Alexander's voice spoke out causing the girl to quickly press the small button by her right hip and fling the seatbelt off. She grabbed the boys sleeve and dragged her small body out of the vehicle behind him giving the guard holding the door a small smile and a soft 'thank you' that didn't go unnoticed by Alex.

The grip she once held on the boys sleeve tightened as her jaw practically hit the floor, eyes nearly bulging out of her head. This house was beautiful, huge. A castle.

Of course her little mind would run straight for a castle, the family who took her in looked to be royalty themselves. Perfection in every form, she saw them as superior, more beautiful compared to anyone she's ever seen before in her short life. Her mind would wonder for a second to her story books, they were just like them.


Upon getting to the front door the little girl watched as it opened before them without them having to do a thing. Eyes practically sparkling at the older male holding it opened for the two.

"Welcome back young master," the older male spoke- his tone void of much emotion, rather it was more so serious, professional. However he didn't get a response.

His eyes wondered down to the smaller figure looking up at him and a small kind smile spread across his features.
"You must be the new daughter, miss Rosalie. I've had the pleasure of hearing so much about you. I'm Alfred, the butler of this home. However you may call me as you please." He spoke highly, but softly towards her. His hand over his heart as he bowed ever so slightly to her.

"It.." the girl seemed to hesitate and take a small step behind her now older brother. "It's very nice to meet you.. Alfred.." Rosalie's voice sounded nervous, tainted with a sense of wary emotion.

A grumble of distaste rang out between the three causing the warm welcome to end abruptly.

"Enough greetings, come now. We must get you to your room." Alexander voiced before swiftly grabbing the girls arm and dragging her away. A mere squeak passing by her lips as she sent a shy wave to the butler.

The butler stood straight and couldn't help but almost be amused with what Alexander had just did. He was a boy of very few emotions or words, he portrayed himself as uncaring and rude. Yet when this little girl had begun to get nervous, or when she actually spoke up he seemed as if someone was trying to take a
toy of his away.


Alexander continued to swiftly drag the smaller girl behind him and as they got to the grand stairs that lead up to the second floor he slowed down as to allow her to catch her footing. The silence between them was deafening and if Rosalie didn't know any better she would assume they were trying to run away from someone.

It wasn't long before Alex stopped in-front of a door, his free hand reaching out and pushing it opened. A grand room filled with beautiful and yet subtle colours filled the line of sight. A grand bed was in the middle and the rest filled with decor.

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