Who you are

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A/N: Hi, I'll put a bit of context up here for the preferences, or the request if requested. This is basically just an introduction of who your character is in this movie/universe/whatever you wanna call it, I hope it's not a personality you hate.

Meilin (Mei Mei) しヾじ

You were a band kid, to say the least. You've been playing saxophone since the fourth grade (if you are an actual band kid, you can play the instrument you play if you want), and loved doing it. Music was basically your therapy and would play your saxophone whenever you were stressed. Your home life wasn't bad, and you had a younger brother with decently good parents,

Miriam 維ブ益

You were a part of the athlete group.  A few years back, your parents made you do something extra-curricular since they were sick of seeing you sitting on your bed and watching T.V while playing with your Tamogatchi 24/7. You ended up choosing basketball, and you were surprisingly good at it. When you got into middle school, you tried out for the basketball team and became the team captain, but would often skip practices to hang with the group. You were an only child.

Priya 穏ゔ違

You were a part of the popular squad. It wasn't something you were exactly fond of, but it was you. You had joined the group a year before and were the only one who didn't gossip. When the group wasn't around, you were a bit of a nerd and loved reading fantasy and thriller books. You pretty much disliked everyone in the group, and would often blow them off. When one of the members was gone, they would talk behind her back, so you went to school a lot to not be the person (even though you knew they talked about you when you were at home after school). You had a split household and would switch between houses.

 Abby 可スご

In terms of groups, you weren't in any of them, just an average 8th grader. One talent of yours was your art, and would often paint without purpose. Before you met the group, you would sit at lunch and draw. Some people would come up and compliment you, but you would mostly shake it off. You would even get requests to be drawn sometimes, and you did them, which is how word about you got out. You were the youngest of three, and often got picked on.

Tyler ぃくょ

You were (another) member of the popular clique but were more of a minor bit. Sure, the girls would still throw makeup your way, but they wouldn't spread the good drama with you. You would always try to get their attention, not wanting to be an outcast. It was most of the time a failed attempt, so you were friends with only two of the higher-up ones. You were (also) an only child with a single mom.

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