Tae Young One-Shot

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A/N: Requested by hashleyemil: Can you do taeyoung x male reader or another tyler x male reader in your one shot turning red

Thank you for requesting, I'm honestly surprised someone hasn't requested a 4*Town member sooner, so thanks for finally making me do it. Also, I apologize if this was a bit short, I didn't have any inspiration for this. Anyways, hope you enjoy this one-shot with the obviously best 4*Town member. :)

It's been a few hours since my boyfriend, Tae Young has been on stage. He had to play a concert out of nowhere for his band, 4*Town. He usually lets me know when this would happen, but he dropped it on me a few hours before he had to leave before soundcheck. 

I wasn't mad at him, really. I don't know if I could ever stay mad at him. I'm pacing around backstage, listening for a song that they'd usually play at the end. It's hard to hear them upstage due to all the fangirls screaming. Suddenly, all of the music stops. All of the cheering also dies down, and I hear loudly from the stage Robaire's classic, "This will be our last song, everybody, so I want to hear you sing louder than ever before!"

I let out a heavy sigh, and slump down on a random seat that's just on the floor. I don't really pay attention to what song's playing, I'm just about to pass out on this stupid chair. The night before, I had terrible nightmares, and I didn't get any sleep. At the most, 5 hours. So I felt like I was going to tap out at any moment. After what seems like an eternity, I finally hear the music stop and footsteps. 

My eyes had been closed for quite a while, so I didn't bother to open them. That's when I feel a slight peck on my lips. I squint my eyes a bit to see Tae Young standing right in front of me. He lets out a little laugh, and asks, "Been asleep?" I shake my head. 

"Nope, but almost passed out around 5 minutes ago."

"Wow, I never knew our music was so boring," he teased. I just groaned and shifted in the seat, not enjoying his jokes. 

"Hey, are you okay there? You seem really out of it."

I chuckled a bit and replied, "I'll make it. But seriously, if we don't get going, I'm gonna fall asleep here."

I was about to stand up when I suddenly got lifted out of the chair and propped up on my boyfriend's shoulders. I laughed while he ran through the backstage area out to his car.

He placed me gently into the seat, and we drove home in silence. He had to turn up some of his band's music really loud so that I wouldn't fall asleep in the car. While he was driving, I had my hand out on the center console thing (you know what I'm talking about, right, the thing where it opens up), and I suddenly felt his fingers interlock with mine and give it a gentle squeeze.

He just winked at me and looked back, which left me a blushing loopy mess. After we finally got to our shared apartment, he carried me out yet again, and he immediately plopped me on the bed. I didn't really even have the motivation to change, I just wanted sleep.

After a bit though, Tae threw some clothes at me, and I got up and changed. (I don't know if his full first name is Tae Young or if I can call him just Tae, just bear with me) Once I got out of the bathroom, he was laying on the bed, reading a book he was trying to get through. He honestly looked really cute doing random things like that. But, I plopped down next to him.

I settled into the blankets and attempted to fall asleep when I felt some arms snake around my waist. I giggled a bit, attempting to go to bed once more. That's when I felt something tickling at the back of my neck, and realized it was Tae's lips. It did actually tickle, so I squirmed around for him to stop. Once he finally stopped, he said, "Well, you really deserve some sleep. I'll let you go. Sweet dreams."

I apologize again if it is a bit short. ;-;

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