First date

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A/N: I was originally gonna do the first kiss, but for me, it's sort of a red flag to have your first kiss before your first date or on it, so here we are. Once again, please be patient with requests, thank you! :)

 Meilin (Mei Mei) ジもふf

The both of you never really went anywhere special, so you decided to go to a local Chinese restaurant. It was run by a really nice old couple, and Mei was close to them, and they thought you were just a friend. The two of you were laughing almost the entire time. Everyone shot you looks, but you didn't care. After eating, Mei brought you back to your house, and she gave you a little peck on the cheek before leaving.

Miriam  で縁

Naturally, the two of you went on a skate date. Since you didn't have a board, she let you use hers. You guys went to a little skate park where everyone knew her. Everybody teased her about you, but you both ignored it. She taught you how to ride the board, and whenever you were about to fall flat on your face, she always caught you. She even taught you how to do an ollie, which you somehow got down.

Priya ン奥茨

She brought you to a bookstore to see if you'd get into literature as she did. You didn't know what books to read, since there were just so many. There was every genre imaginable, so you went around for hours just looking at books. You eventually decided on starting to read Nightfall and also picking some romance stories. After that, you got coffee.

Abby 握ひダ

The both of you didn't know what to do, but eventually settled on just going to the mall. You didn't have to buy a crap ton of stuff, just run around like idiots: and that's exactly what you did. You guys went to clothing stores, a bakery, a candy store, and an art shop, but only came out with two bags. Regardless, the two of you still had fun. One of the best moments was you running around the mall while you were giving Abby a piggyback, and both of you were screaming.

Tyler きサず

It was just a generic little restaurant date. He was a simple kid with no money, so what else could he do? You guys ate at a small restaurant, but the food was amazing. You were always scared of ordering something too expensive, but every living second, he always reminded you that he'd pay for it. It was a fun experience, and the two of you went on a little walk around a nearby park afterward.

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