How you cuddle

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A/N: I feel great about updating regularly again, lmao. Anyways, I'm slowly running out of chapter ideas, so if you have any, that'd be great, thanks and enjoy!

Meilin (Mei Mei) 謁゛く

About 3/4 of the time, she'd be in her panda form. It just made sense. She was essentially a huge stuffed animal. You'd lay next to her and squeeze her like she was a teddy bear that you had when you were a kid. If you cuddled when she wasn't a panda, you'd put your head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat while she'd put her arms around your shoulders.

Miriam や緯壱

One word: spooning. IT MAKES SENSE IN MY TINY BRAIN OKAY Like, you can't look at Miss Ma'am and tell me she wouldn't love that. She'd always be the big spoon, and if you wanted to be it, then TOO BAD, because she wouldn't let you. You could only get mad at her about it for a bit though.

Priya え咽ヹ

You'd be the type of people to just face each other in bed. You'd barely even cuddle, you'd just be looking at each other's faces and then burst out into laughter. Occasionally it would happen, and she'd put her arms around your waist and pull you closer to her.

Abby つ イ

Since she was significantly shorter than you, it was kind of hard to find a way to cuddle. What'd she end up doing is laying her head down on your chest, and she'd wrap her arms around your torso. You'd put one arm around her shoulder and the other just hang loose, I guess?

Tyler ワ萎み

You wouldn't. That was only because you couldn't go over to his house yet. The closest you ever got to it was when one of you would sneak into the other's house, and you'd lay next to each other in bed close. When I say close though, I mean CLOSE

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