When you get hurt

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A/N: I recently was gonna remove Tyler but decided to keep him, so here we go. I also have really bad growing pains and I wanna throw myself out of a window. :D

Meilin (Mei Mei) 炎らち

When you were walking down the steps of your house to get downstairs, you fell down a few steps and bruised your leg. You hid it from your mom when you were about to leave, and she seemed a bit suspicious, but she pushed it aside. When you got into school that morning and Mei saw you limping, she was concerned. She had asked you what happened, and you kept it away because you didn't want her to worry. She kept asking until you finally told her, and she insisted you go with her back home if it really was that bad. After a bit, she took you to her house and messed off the rest of the day. Your mom wasn't happy when she found out.

 Miriam 岡マや

Since you two met by you getting hurt, she's extremely overprotective. For example, one time Mir was trying to teach you how to do a trick on her skateboard since you two were out on a skate date. You nailed it the first few times, but this time when you did it, you fell off midway. You had a helmet on, of course, and all you did was fall on your knees, and not even roughly since you caught yourself with your hands. But of course, she ran over and kept asking if you were okay. You were fine but had some cuts on your knee, so you went home. She cuddled with you almost the rest of the day.

Priya っ化椅

She doesn't know how to react. One time, both of you were walking back from school when you just tripped. There wasn't a rock or anything, you just flat out tripped over nothing but your feet. When you did it, since you were so unprepared, you fell on your arm. There was nothing wrong with it besides a few cuts, but the whole time she just stood there watching it unfold. Once you got back up, she pulled you close to her, and the both of you kept walking so you didn't get hurt, and if you did, you both got hurt. 

Abby 中悪イ

It was a nice day, and your mom agreed to take you and the rest of the group to the lake to swim and hang out. It was going great, and you all had fun swimming. There was a point when everyone was in the water except you and Abby. You were about to get up to head to the cooler and get a drink, when you stood up wrong (Idk how to really phrase it) and fell over on your side. Abby immediately got concerned and rushed to make sure you were okay, and grab bandages.

Tyler 亜虞河

It was the beginning of the school day, and you didn't get a lot of sleep the night before. So, you were a lot more drowsy and accident-prone than you usually were. When you were walking in, everybody was crowding around the entrance, along with Tyler. You didn't see him, but he saw you. While you were trying to get past everyone, you tripped over someone's foot, and combined with the weight of your backpack, you fell flat on your face. When Tyler saw that, he immediately rushed over and asked if you were okay, and he gave you a piggyback to the nurse.

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