Tyler x Male! One-Shot

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A/N: Requested by TokoVarient5: Can you please do a Tyler x male!reader? Maybe they could, like, go on a cute little date to a movie or something and just like cuddle? Basically, just lots of fluff. Idk, I think it might be cute.

Thanks for requesting, I hope I didn't butcher this, I've never really written something like this before, so here you go. :D]

Nothing really exciting happened in school today. I attempted my math, probably failed, somehow managed to ace my history quiz, shot a few goals in gym today, and didn't get in trouble. Most of the day though, I spent thinking about him: Tyler, my boyfriend. I hadn't spent actual good quality time with him in a while, and to be honest, I really missed him. I've even dreamt of him a bit, which is a tiny bit pathetic, but it was the least I could do.

Once the final class of the day ended and I shoved everything in my locker and grabbed my backpack, I slammed it shut to see a familiar face with a familiar smile propping himself on the lockers. I laughed because of how slick he was trying to be. "Long time no see sir," Tyler imitated in a British accent, which just made me laugh harder. It took a few moments for me to calm down before the two of us walked out of school together. My parents were always the first to come and pick me up, so we always had limited time to talk. We talked as much as we could walking out, but then, just as I was getting in the car, Tyler said, "Oh yeah, expect me at your house at 6:00 tonight, I've got a little surprise for you. See you later, Prince Charming!" 

He winked, did a little salute, and turned to walk away, leaving me a blushing mess. What could he mean by a little surprise? I didn't have time to worry about that right then, so I just sat still the whole car ride home. Once I got home, I decided to knock out my homework since it never really took long for me to get ready, considering I am a boy.

By the time I was done, it was around 5:00. I put everything away, then changed into some nice pants and a shirt with a denim vest. It was always one of Tyler's favorites, so I thought it would cheer him up. Eventually, I heard a knock on the door and saw Tyler standing there, wearing the same clothes as he was at school.

That thought made me think I was overdressed and told him I was going to go back to my room to change for a second, but he stopped me. Taking a quick scan around the room to make sure nobody was there, and confirming it, he took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. 

There it went again. That stupid blushing mess of mine. Tyler giggled and let me out. We walked down the road for a while, until we eventually ended up at a cinema. Of course, no good movies were really showing, so I was a bit suspicious. 

When we got in, we got two tickets to A Walk To Remember, which made me shoot a "Why would you ever do something like that?" look. I could visibly see the sweat dripping down his face, so I put an arm around his shoulder to calm him down. 

When we got our tickets, the salesman asked, "So, do you two got any ladies with you? I wouldn't see any other reason why you'd be seeing this."

The both of us blushed, shot each other a quick look, and I announced, "Oh, no, just wanted to, uh, ya know, get a quick laugh in, hehe." 

The dude looked a bit suspicious of us, but let us go. After that, we both let out a heavy sigh. That right there made me realize how messed up our society was. It's the 21st century and people still got criticism for liking the same gender. Nothing would ever change, there would always be hate. I'm not taking any shade for the dude, but I couldn't get over it.

I wrapped my arm around my boyfriend's waist for just a little bit of comfort. After getting our very overpriced candy and popcorn, we got into the theater. It was surprising how few people there were in the cinema, and we were behind everyone so they couldn't see us. 

Due to that, I put my legs up on the seat and leaned up against Tyler to make my best attempt at cuddling. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he snuggled into it. We sat like that for the rest of the movie (it was a ride, to say the least) until it ended. The lights came on and blinded us. I really didn't wanna get up, but Tyler ended up dragging us out of there. 

It was a Friday, so I thought he was just going to bring me back to my house, but got surprised when he passed by my neighborhood. "Hey, aren't we going back to my house?" I asked.

Tyler gave me a look of confidence, and said, "No, we're going to mine."

That made me a bit flustered, but whatever made him happy. Once we got back, we snuck in through his back window since he wasn't supposed to be out. I had only been in his room once, but it still felt the same: Cozy, warm, and safe. 

I plopped down on the bed immediately, worn out. Tyler giggled and said, "Geez sleepyhead, you're not gonna even turn off the lights?" 

I shook my head, kicked off my shoes, and sunk further into the bed. The lights turned off, and I felt the bed sink in on my side. Tyler took hold of me and snuggled into my back. It made my heart flutter. He kissed the back of my neck a few times before we eventually drifted off to sleep.

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