Their ideal date night

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A/N: Who else doesn't wanna go back to school 😛

Meilin (Mei Mei) あバ隠

- Just staying in and reading books

- She'd probably get a bunch from the library that she'd think you'd like and then force you to come over

- She'll make tea and you both will sit there for a while, just reading

- You'd maybe listen to some 4*Town while doing it, and every once in a while, you'd both start singing and altogether avoiding the books

Miriam ヒッだ

- Skate date 😍 (I swear to god, I am such a sucker for other girls who skateboard-)

- Would try to teach you as many tricks as she knows (or if you don't skate, she will teach you how to ride it {that's what she said}, and if you already know tricks, JUST ACT LIKE YOU DON'T FOR THE SAKE OF IT, 'CAUSE I DON'T AND I'VE BEEN SKATING FOR 2 YEARS)

- If you got hurt, it was never major, but she'd f r e a k  o u t, and immediately rush over to you. She's freaking out, and you're laughing your ass off because it was just a tiny scrape and she was so scared something would happen

- Afterwards, you go home, make some junk food, and watch a movie

Priya 加為イ

- Café run

- With this girl, you'll never know what to expect when she's ordering. She's all over the place. She can get a pure black coffee one day and a chai latte the next

- She always pays for your drink, of course, even if you insist to do it yourself. You end up getting some pastries as well

- If it's nice outside, you'll sit on the patio, but if it's in the middle of winter, you'll stay inside for the heater. You'll eat and talk about life

Abby 越屋安

- Sunset picnic

- She'll come over to your house early in the afternoon to help pack and make food (and sometimes you miserably fail, but that's okay)

- You'll walk over to this little hill while the sun is just setting, put your stuff down, and then devour the food in like, 0.5 seconds

- You both then do Truth or Dare the rest of the night (mostly involving messing with other people), and you roll down the hill you're sitting on (PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I'M THE ONLY PERSON WHO STILL DOES THAT)

Tyler クちつ

- Classic ol' movie night

- You head over to his house, and he already has a movie picked out for you two to watch

- You both raid all the junk food, put the movie in, and watch it (you both keep making comments through the entire movie, like, y'all will not shut up, and I mean that in the least offensive way possible)

- Afterward, you guys are just obsessing over the plot and picking out stuff that you would've changed, e.t.c.

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