Confessions (1)

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A/N: I've been waiting to make this chapter, LET'S GO. I hope I didn't make this weird 😅

This chapter will include:

Meilin (Mei Mei)



Meilin (Mei Mei) オく下

You were planning on telling her, but you didn't know how. So, one day, you slipped a note in her locker asking to hang out behind the school after class was over. You weren't going to press it on her immediately, so you were planning on talking a bit and then telling her after. You waited outside anxiously after your last class, and after what felt like hours, you saw a figure to your left. Mei gave you a shy smile and sat down next to you. 

You pulled out some snacks from your bag and gave a few to her. The two of you talked about random things before you finally became confident in yourself. Surprisingly, Mei dropped it first. "So, have you ever...liked someone before?" she asked. Your face turned bright red, and if it wasn't for you two in the shade, she'd be able to see.

 After clearing a lump in your throat, you said, "Well, um, I met her around a half year ago," she nodded in response, "and she has such great talent, and she's so pretty, and would do anything for me." 

"Wait, you like girls?" Mei asked, curiously. You nodded. "Wow, I thought it was wrong, because...I do too," she said, looking at you. She inched a bit closer, you thinking it was out of comfort. 

"Well, who do you like then?" you asked, smirking.

"Um, I've known her around the same time you did. I know her as a bit emotional, but not afraid to show it, she's really sweet and genuine and always looks out for me." You nodded.

"Sounds like a good person." You inched a bit closer to her and leaned your head on her shoulder. You could feel her anxiously squirm, so you got up, but she pulled you back down. The both of you sat in silence for a bit, before you sighed and let it all out. "Look, Mei Mei, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while." She perked up a bit and straightened out her dress. "Ugh, Mei, I...okay, how do I spit this out-"

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready," she comfortingly said.

"No, I really need to. So, even after I say this, you promise to not freak out, okay?" You held out your pinky, and she latched yours onto hers. 


You let out another heavy sigh and said, "You remember that girl I was talking about earlier? Well, I have to fess's you. I like you, Mei." After saying that, you backed away a bit, but she stopped you. 

"(Y/N) (L/N), I like you too." 

Miriam ゅ遠ュ

One day after school, you got a call from Miriam after unpacking your things. "Hey girl, I need to talk with you. Don't worry, it's nothing bad just wondering if you can come to the park at 7:00 PM?" You agreed and hung up.

Even though she said it was nothing bad, you were worried the whole rest of the day. When you were about to go, you brushed your hair and sprayed a bit of perfume, just in case. 

Since you had a curfew, you pretended to be getting ready for bed and hopped out your window, and climbed over the fence. You didn't exactly own a bike or skateboard or anything like that, so you had to run as fast as you could. 

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