Their jealousy level

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A/N: Yes, I know I just did this chapter on my other book, but does it look like I care? 🤨

Meilin (Mei Mei) 扱むジ

- 6/10

- Is the definition of "violence isn't always the answer" so she's kinda chill

- But if someone gets too close to you, her panda's being let out and that person wouldn't dare to make eye contact with either of you again

Miriam 河映萎

- 4/10

- Knows how to respect boundaries, which is why we love her 😌

- But if somebody DOESN'T, this girl has her skateboard ready and set. Long story short, you two both run out of there before someone can call 911

Priya カめじ

- 8/10

- Just by looks, she doesn't seem like the person to get jealous easily, BUT OH, SHE DOES

- Will definitely pull you away, probs pick you up bridal style, and simply walk out without any further context

Abby ぃひん

- 15/10

- Ya, she's Abby...I think that's said enough

- Will physically attack said person who's with you, and it's the most chaotic thing ever

Tyler 宇因ゾ

- 9/10

- He doesn't really do anything, just sorta sits there and lets his blood boil for a bit

- Then he finally comes over, pulls you in by the waist, and starts yelling at the dude to back off

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