Carter Murphey Mayhew x Fem! One-shot

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A/N: Requested by AbmAzeter: Hi, can you do a carter Murphey x fem. Reader. If you don't know him you can search it up (I requested this for no reason :P)

Hi, thank you for requesting! Trust me, if I were you, I probably would've requested something randomly too, lmao. Alas, here is the one shot you wanted. :)

I hate school. I think everyone does, but I mean that with a passion. Like, 7 hours? Stuck in a usually non-heated or non-air-conditioned building? The worst. Even worse? The people. I've always hated people. School is just a spawn for that. Drama sucks, homework sucks, being neglected sucks, everything does.

Well, everything did suck until the first day of 8th grade. I was sitting in my new 3rd period, not paying any attention to the intro the teacher was giving, until someone stumbled in. It was...a girl? A guy? I honestly had no idea, but this...person had short black hair and brown eyes. They looked like they hadn't slept in a full month, but still had a crap ton of energy. I was assuming they had a coffee or something. They waved awkwardly at the teacher, and found a seat, walking nervously, and sat. That seat was directly left of me.

Of course, I never really thought of it much. Just a goth kid (who I later found out to be a boy, and his name was Carter Murphey Mayhew [That is a long name]), who sat next to me during 3rd period who would usually fall asleep in class, and as far as I could tell, had poor grades. But the more he sat next to me, and the more I got to know him through other people, the more I wanted something just a bit more than exchanging awkward glances with him during class. 

It took a whole crap ton of courage to talk to him, but when I did, it was the best decision of my life. We got to know each other more, and I found out a lot of cool stuff about him. He looks like he wants to kill you on the outside, but on the inside, he's a huge softie that (probably) still sleeps with stuffed animals.

We've been friends for around 6 months now, and just like any stereotypical boy and girl friends, one starts falling for the other. I've liked him for about a month now, and I have no idea what to do. Do I push it away, or do I tell him? If I do tell him, will he leave me? Because God, if he left me, it'd take me like three months to recover. IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A LONG TIME BUT TRUST ME IT IS

So here I am, today, having next to no courage to tell him, but alas, I'm doing it. What else am I supposed to do? Wait until the day I'm on my deathbed? Anywho, I'm just entering 3rd period a few minutes early, breath hitched, everywhere sweating, legs and hands shaking. I'm trying to hold back my nervousness, which I guess I'm doing good at.

As a routine, the bell rings, and Carter comes strolling in just a few seconds afterward, rushing to get his stuff down. Once he does, and the teacher's going on about her lecture, back turned, I look at Carter in a weird way, which makes him raise an eyebrow. I take a piece of paper from my binder, write the note, "Gotta talk after school. Important things," and pass it to him.

He takes the note, reads it quickly, and nods and smiles at me, which was the most innocent thing ever. I was probably blushing then, so I quickly turned away and stared at the board. Like, if I had laser eyes, that board would've been gone, and all the walls behind it would have a hole in them. I tried paying attention to the lesson, but all I could hear was my heartbeat. And man, I had a very fast heartbeat.

After class was over, the whole day just felt like a fever dream. Nothing felt real, like that stage where you're just about to fall asleep but you can still tell you're awake, but just barely. Once school was (sadly) over, I was putting my stuff away, when Carter approached my locker. The nervous response struck. My knees started to feel weak, my hands were the equivalent of Niagra Falls, arms like Jello. After saying hi, I asked if we could go to the side of the school, and he said sure.

So, we walked to the side of the school, everything in slow-mo. I couldn't believe I was doing this. My friends would've called me insane doing this since the most courageous thing I've ever done is grab a swim toy from the bottom of a 7-foot pool. Now I was telling this emo boy I liked him. I better be ready.

Once we got to the side, he asked, "So, what's up?" I was about to chicken out and give up, which I guess he could tell. He said, "Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

That moment right there was what gave me courage. He was so caring, sweet, and like, the best person on this planet. So, I inhaled and talking very fast, not taking a single breath said, "I'll be honest with you. When I first met you, I didn't think of you as much. You just sat next to me in class and got bad grades, but you seemed pretty cool so I started talking to you, and that was honestly really good because I wouldn't get to know such a good person. But like, there's these things called crushes. Have you ever heard of that before? Ya, so uh, the problem is, I think I have one on you, and I was scared telling you was gonna ruin what we already have, so I waited a whole month to tell you, so now here we are, and you probably think I'm insane, so I'm just gonna leave."

Just as I was about to walk away, he pulled me from the back of my shirt and said, " me?"

I spoke fast again and said, "I'm sorry, but you're just so nice and caring, and, I don't know, pretty, and-"

I got cut off by him saying, "Dude, calm down. Truth is, I've liked you ever since you started talking to me." He was blushing profusely while saying that, making the butterflies in my stomach erupt. 

We stood there in silence for a bit, until he spoke up, saying, "Are we...a thing now?"

I looked at him and replied, "Only if you want it to."

With a smile, he said, "Of course. Wanna come to my house? We could watch that movie that just came out."

"I would like nothing more, loverboy."

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