You start catching feelings for them

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A/N: I'm gonna be so tired after this, take it or leave it. ;-;

 Meilin (Mei Mei) こし悦

It caught you off guard at first. You actually started liking her when she showed signs of liking you. The rare times she blushed, her eye contact always breaking, just every small thing she did made your heart ready to combust. Of course, multiple times, you tried pushing those feelings down since it was wrong to like the same gender, plus Mei was Chinese. However, you ended up accepting it and kept it a secret for a very long time.

Miriam 沿ネァ

Every now and then after school, Mir let you on her board to ride around for a while. Sometimes she did it because you needed a ride back to your house, or the both of you simply just wanted some alone time. But, it was every single one of those rides you felt safe. Just rushing through the wind, your arms slung around the back of her neck, the scent of her clothing since your face was right up next to it, everything. It felt like almost tipping off the edge anytime Miriam said something, and that's when you fell hopelessly head over heels for her.

Priya 咽億ぃ

It was her personality that sent you flying. Since you were stuck with girls that gossiped and would yell at each other if a bit of their hair got wet, seeing someone as chill and calm as Priya made you die. You found it funny how she kept her cool in even the most stressful of circumstances. For example, one day, since the two of you shared a science class, you were dissecting frogs. You both were lab partners, and when you started cutting into the frog, it started leaking. Priya just kept doing what she was supposed to while you hid in a corner, scared for your life.

Abby よ日恩

The way she acted towards you made your heart do backflips against the walls. She was always so feisty towards anything and everything, but when you came around, she calmed down and acted like a normal human being. She could get mad over someone just accidentally saying her name wrong, but you could literally drop-kick her, and she wouldn't care in the slightest.

Tyler ベャ王

As mentioned, you had a crush on this guy for quite a while. Like every girl out there, you first started liking him simply off of his looks. You realized how stupid that was, and stopped liking him for a bit until you noticed his ability. He was really good with sports and had high stamina, which sold it for you. It was hard to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but it was a while ago.

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