First big fight

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Angsty Stuff

Yelling/Accidental Hurting

Meilin (Mei Mei) ヨ域誕

"Mei, what's your issue?! I thought you put all of this behind you!"

"I can't just put the family behind me!"

You two were arguing over Mei's constant running to her family. She got back into the habit of putting the temple in front of everything and made it her main priority. This made you pissed since you thought she stopped doing it after the PandaPocolypse, but that got proved wrong. She started to ditch you to clean the temple or something dumb, and so you had enough and brought it up, which started an argument. She kept yelling at her about her personal life, which made you even madder.

"Look, (Y/N), this isn't easy for me! It's not like my parents stopped expecting me to get good grades. They still want me to succeed, and I do too! So they drag me to the temple, even though I don't want to.'

"Well, if you don't like it, why don't you tell them you don't want to!?"

By the end of it, you left Mei's house and you rode home, crying. You didn't talk to her for a full week, which made her concerned. But eventually, you forgave her, which took a lot of persuasion and candy. She made sure that you were constantly okay after that, and she did indeed tell her parents she didn't want to go to the temple, which they were okay with.

Miriam 畝栄の

It started out as a light conflict against a particular classmate you both had. The few fights you had up until now always were small and didn't lead to much. But soon, the argument quickly got heated, and the topic kept repetitively switching. Neither of you didn't even know how it got as far as it did, it just happened. Things were being thrown, and the yelling just got louder. At some point, Miriam was done and was about to drag you out of your room, when she grabbed your wrist a bit too tight, leaving a mark. It took a lot of yelling at her to notice, but when she did, she helped you heal it.

"I'm so sorry. I guess I just got...a bit too carried away with it."

"It's fine. You're lucky you're on my good side."

"Psh, like you even have a bad side."

"Don't test that."

By the end of it, she offered for you to stay the night at her house, which you accepted.

Priya ゙ぽ位

You showed up late multiple times to your sleepovers or hangouts after school. The popular kids wanted to hang out with you for once, and of course, you couldn't say no without all of your reputation being lost. You never told Priya, so she thought you were seeing someone else, so you obviously got into a huge fight.

"Hey, Pri! Sorry, I'm late again-"

"May I ask why you are?"

"Had to go somewhere I didn't want to-"

"You're lying. Very clearly. You would've called me."

You tried over and over to explain the situation, but each time she cut you off and wouldn't let you finish. This led to hours of fighting, and at one point you just left. She tried calling you over and over, but you didn't pick up, still very pissed at her. The next day at school, she apologized from the moment you got in school. Though, it was hard to stay mad at her, so you forgave her. 

Abby び宴ケ

People had been recognizing you lately. A lot. And, since people never even noticed you before that, you let them do essentially whatever they wanted to you. Of course, it'd be weird for Abby to not notice, so when she did, she was frankly quite pissed. One day after school, you were hanging out in your room when your parents and one of your older brothers were gone. She had brought up what you were doing, and when you admitted what you did, it broke out in mayhem.

It was absolute horror, considering the fact that you were fighting with Abby Park, the most aggressive person in all of the 8th grade. At some point, you just gave up and ended up sobbing, apologizing multiple times while saying how terrible of a person you were. Once you started doing that, Abby stopped to ask if you were okay. She stayed the night after to make sure you were okay and wouldn't collapse at any moment. 

Tyler 越位圧

You had a lot of family issues going on at the moment, leading you to forget that Tyler even existed. This leads him to be sad and impatient waiting for you. It was like you trying to get Tyler's attention in the beginning all over again. So, when you finally found time to talk to him, he got upset and asked why you were all of a sudden a goner. You tried your best to explain to him what was happening, but he never went through anything of the sort and got really mad.

"What do you mean you can't show up? I can help you feel better!" (Side note, but why am I making him such a bitch, lmao)

"You wouldn't understand! You've never felt this way before!"

The explaining eventually and inevitably broke out into a fight, and even though it wasn't that harsh, it still felt like it to you. He wouldn't listen after multiple times of you trying to get your point across. You left at one point, and he called you multiple times to try and contact you, but you didn't listen. After the whole issue was resolved, you started talking to him again, and you both forgave and apologized to each other.

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