Them as my old teachers

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A/N: Please, don't ask what this chapter is.

Meilin (Mei Mei) 恩押ご

- My band teacher (bless her soul)

- Wasn't strict in class, but during concerts, she'd  f r e a k  o u t

- Once yelled (not in a mean way) at everyone in the class because they were rolling the instruments in their laps, and apparently, that's bad, and she said she was gonna have an aneurysm (I couldn't do it though, because I had a trombone)

Miriam マ媛オ

- My history teacher (ALSO BLESS HER SOUL, GOD I LOVED HER SM)

- Always had the most fun of units

- Gave out candy a crap ton

- Honestly never seen her get mad before (and I don't want to)

Priya ガ姻ぐ

- My science teacher

- Dark humor, sarcasm, and fake anger were his second nature, but he was a huge softie inside

- "Okay Akasha, if Joaquin told you to jump off a cliff, would you?" "Hey Destiny, remember that time you almost killed me with a marker?" "*everyone going crazy after the movie was playing and it said damn* Don't act like you guys haven't said much worse than that before"

Abby 唄代炎

- My music teacher

- Was the most chaotic

- Was also hosting theater at the end of the year, and she was trying to do a billion things at once, and it was a mess

- Would sometimes go on a tangent about something for 3/4 of the class, and would almost always let us out at least 5 minutes late; she lost track of time a lot

Tyler はのド

- My gym teacher

- I don't have much else to say to that; the dude just liked sports

- Would have us do fun stuff, but if a few kids slipped up, he made us run the Pacer the rest of the class (THE FITNESS GRAM PACER TEST IS A MULTI-STAGE AEROBIC CAPACITY TES-)

- I was on and off with this man

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