Confessions (2)

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A/N: Hello, I apologize for not uploading a lot today, I have a lot of things happening (so I probably won't be uploading a lot tomorrow either), but I hope this chapter still has the spark it did with the last one. :D

This chapter will include:



 Abby しぁわ

You were sitting in your room, plastic wrap all beneath you, while you were mixing paint colors. The day was an interesting one, and in the middle of the day, you just couldn't stop thinking about a painting idea you had. So here you were.

After getting the paint done, and placing a fresh canvas on your easel, you had gotten to work. Every little stroke brought you back to the day, so you often found yourself laughing randomly. It had been around 15 minutes into your painting when you heard a tap on your window. 

You looked over to see Abby's face barely peeking above the window sill, which made you laugh. It was a common practice for her to show up at your house and knock on your window to get in. After getting up from your work of art and opening the window, Abby jumped in with a little sound effect, which made you laugh even more.

You just sat right back down and kept working, and you could tell Abby wanted more attention. "So what, you're gonna let me in and act like I'm not even here?" she joked.

"No, I'm just really invested in this." She looked over to see the cafeteria at school. 

"What are you even painting anyways?" she asked.

"You know how today was a crazy day?" you asked, and she nodded. "Well, sometimes I get these passionate feelings that make me wanna create something. Today was one of those days, so here I am." She seemed more positive after that. You could tell she wanted to sit down next to you, so you pulled out a chair you used at your desk and put it next to you.

Abby quickly sat down, which made you playfully roll your eyes at her. The two of you engaged in a game of Never Have I Ever while you were painting, which made you blush a bit at how much she wanted to talk to you. "So, Never Have I Ever squeezed a pillow hoping it was my crush at night," you said, participating in this game. Abby looked disappointed and sighed. 

"How are you so good at knowing the embarrassing things I do?"

"Well, I pay close attention to people," you sarcastically said, stopping painting to look at her with a smirk. She started to blush, which made you quickly turn away for you to not blush too. The two of you stayed silent a bit after that, but Abby kept small scooching toward you in her chair, until she was almost right next to you. 

Every time she did it, it became harder for you to concentrate, and your brush strokes started to get messier. After that last scooch, you dropped the paintbrush, looked at Abby, and said, "Abby Park, you don't know the things you do to my head." She blushed and moved away, but you just pulled her back, and said, "I like you, dude, take a hint."

"I never thought it'd come out like this," she said but followed it up with, "but I don't know how I wouldn't be able to feel the same."

  Tyler 韻ら唄

It was a nice day in gym class, which made it easier to play. Your training sessions with Tyler were really starting to pay off, and it wasn't just for basketball, but with football (soccer) and softball too.

Today was a football (soccer) day, and the coach blew his whistle. Tyler was on the other team, and before the game started, the two of you made eye contact, and you mouthed "Good luck," before you took off running. 

Your improvement made it around school, and now everyone knew and trusted you, so you were typically the one to who everybody passed the ball. So, for the first start, somebody got the ball and immediately passed it to you. You mapped out a plan for a few seconds, and before you knew it, you went running.

When you were going through, everyone was starting to gang on you, so you ended up attempting to kick the ball to the net, but it went straight to Tyler. He raised an eyebrow and mouthed "I think you're the one who needs the luck," which made you blush.

Nothing else really eventful happened until the second half. You made a goal beforehand, but nothing insane. When the coach blew the whistle after halftime, you were ready. The ball got passed to a lot of people before your team was right at the opposing one's net. The person who had the ball was starting to get crowded and couldn't find anyone to pass to. You were across the court, but you both made eye contact, and she passed it to you.

You ran to it, kicked it into the net, and slid while you did it. Everybody cheered for you, and you wiped the grass off of your face. Tyler seemed genuinely surprised by this, as he was playing defense and practically got first-row tickets.

Even after that victory shot of yours, your team ended up losing. But, at the end of the game, Tyler motioned over to the locker rooms for the two of you to talk.

Once everyone cleared from the men's locker room, you both walked in. "So, (Y/N), can I talk to you for a second?" he asked. You nodded, the butterflies starting to clump in your stomach. "I've really enjoyed all of the times we've practiced, but something in me wanted more. I realized I appreciate your company a lot, but it's also not just that." He inhaled and all in one word, he said, "IthinkImightactuallyreallylikeyouandIwantedtoaskifyouwantedtogooutsometime?"

It took you a second for you to process everything, but when you did, you were more than happy, and practically screamed out, "Yes!" and hugged him tight. Just then, the door burst open, and Harry, one of Tyler's friends said, "Okay lovebirds, we appreciate this and all, but you guys are gonna miss class, and we don't want you two getting in trouble as soon as you get together."

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