They catch you crying

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A/N: Hey, I apologize for not uploading a lot in the previous days, I was busy with school. Anyways, take this random freaking chapter.

 Meilin (Mei Mei) ゎギぴ

There had been people bullying you for the past couple of weeks at school because they found out about you dating Mei. They said they'd keep it a secret, but you had to endure a lot of suffering. But, it was better to be safe than sorry, so you paid the price. 

One day, when it was the end of the day (your last class was gym), everyone ganged up on you in the locker room when everybody left. They started backing you into a corner when one of the girls pinned your hands above your head. You tried to be strong and not look idiotic, but your senses kicked in, and tears were pricking at the corner of your eyes. Everybody started teasing you for being a "crybaby," when one of the girls got in front of you while everyone else backed away. 

Just as she was about to do something, everyone turned their heads and ran away. You couldn't see, partially from the tears in your eyes, but after blinking them away, you saw Mei as her red panda, about to lash out at everyone. Once everyone ran out, you collapsed in the corner, and just started balling. Mei ran over, still in her red panda, and cuddled and comforted you until you were okay. She asked what happened, you told her, and to say quite frankly, she was pissed.

Miriam 唄ご円

You walked into school in the morning when you saw a group of kids huddling around something. Curious as to what it was, you walked over, when you saw there was a girl who had acne all over her face crying, while everyone was yelling insults at her.  You didn't know what was happening, but you stepped in and started cursing and kicking everyone to get them to stop. All you wanted to do was stand up for this girl being picked on, but one of the teachers stepped out and saw everything. You were going to have detention for a whole three days, and suspension if it happened again. 

The whole time you were in detention, you were trying to hold back tears and falling apart, and it worked, but only barely. So, when you were walking home after school, you just let it all out, since nobody was on the streets. Once you were close enough of a distance you could see your house, you just full-on sprinted, tears still in your eyes. Even when you opened the door, you didn't stop to say hi to your parents, you just ran to your room. Once you got in and locked the door, you threw your backpack across the room and sat with your back against the door, and cried. 

It was only after maybe 15 seconds you felt something touching your shoulders, and you jumped. Miriam was standing there, and you practically screamed what she was doing (let's act like thin walls aren't a thing-). She said she was gonna come to your house to hang out, but when you weren't there, she got scared, so she waited. When she asked why you weren't home, you told her, and she offered to stay at your house for the night to make you feel better about it, and you would cuddle a bunch.

Priya バ媛卸

It was just a quick stress cry. You were going to try out for a school play a few days beforehand, and once you got your lines down, you were hyped for the end of the day and auditions. While you were waiting to come up, you noticed a lot of girls who were going for the same part as you were a lot better. You brushed it off and tried to point out their flaws and why they wouldn't make good actresses, but you noticed they were pretty good.

 Once you got up and did your audition, even though it was really good, you underestimated yourself, and almost broke down when you got back to your seat. After the auditions were over, you went outside to see Priya (she offered to walk home with you after auditions were over), and by then you were already crying. She brought you to the side of the building and asked if everything was okay, and you explained to her what happened. She said that you didn't have to worry and that you'd definitely make the part after you named everyone that was going for it. Once you were walking back home, she even offered to stay at her house, which you accepted. 

You made the part, btw. 😍

Abby イ以ん

One night, you had gotten into a fight with your parents. It was about your grades, and how you were failing two classes, about to be three. (They were also borderline homophobic, btw.) They asked if you were seeing a boy, and you just didn't talk, which made them even madder at you. The three of you fought for a good two hours, and by the end of it, it was already 1:00 AM, and you were tired. You cried yourself to sleep that night, and you weren't mentally prepared to go to school the next morning, but you had to. 

Almost as soon as you got into school, it was like a wave of emotions hit you, and you trudged your way to your locker, trying to not freak out over anything. Abby saw you in the hall and followed you to your locker. When you saw her, you almost broke down, not wanting to tell her about the previous night, but she saw the look on your face and dragged you to the bathroom. After telling her everything, she looked concerned and offered for the two of you to sneak out and you could mess off outside, and you said yes. You were idiots the whole time. She also gave you a bunch of hugs which she refused to let go.

Tyler 医恩ゎ

On a Sunday, he offered to bring you out for lunch, and since you had nothing to do, you accepted. A few hours before you were about to go, your parents left in a hurry without telling you why. You called them, but they didn't pick up no matter how many times you tried. Just as you were going to walk out the door, your mom called you back.

 Apparently, your (favorite relative) was in the hospital after getting in a car accident, and you were sad. Really sad. So sad that it was hard to muster the courage to still even go. But, you did, hoping it'd make you feel a bit better about the situation. When you went to Tyler's house, he could tell something was off with you but didn't bother to ask, not wanting to ruin the mood. Lunch was fine, but when he was walking you back home, he brought up what made you so sad, and you told him everything. You even let a few tears slip. He was really concerned and asked multiple times if you'd be fine, but he made you laugh with his concern, which made you better.

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