When you get your period

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A/N: Also a chapter I've been meaning to make, so here you go. Trigger warning if you have a thing with blood, skip to the next chapter. This is just a bunch of fluff.

TW: Blood and a bit of cursing

Meilin (Mei Mei) 緯ずソ

She'll steal things from her mom's period box. You got it before she did, so she's completely unprepared. Every now and then she'd ask her mom "hypothetical" questions on how to take care of you or if you didn't know something. She'd try her best to cook when her parents weren't around and would make you soup and other food to make you feel better.

Miriam ぼくや

This girl is the most prepared bitch ever. She has pads, tampons, ibuprofen, heat pads, menstruation pills, literally everything. You didn't know how she had all of this stuff when she only got hers 5 months before you. She'd buy you ice cream and other junk food to pig out on. She'd also take every measure to make sure you were comfortable, and wouldn't leave your side. Cuddles were the only thing that happened when it was that time of the month. You'd cuddle up and watch movies while she keeps constantly asking if you're okay.

"Why do I fucking have a uterus?"

"(N/N), if I had a choice, I wouldn't have one either."

Priya テ 陰

She has a few pads she carries around in her bag all the time. She can usually tell when you start your cycle because you end up being really snappy and impatient. If it happens during school, she'll make up some excuse for the two of you to skip. You'll end up sneaking back into her house, and she'll read you Nightfall and offer you all of her candy from her stash.

Abby ョダカ

She has no idea what to do. She's a pathetic flustered mess, running around her apartment to find something for you. Once she finally found something, she'd run to give it to you, and it'd play out a little something like this. 

"Here, (Y/N), take this!"

"...Bitch, I don't know how to use a tampon-"

Regardless, she'll make sure you're comfortable and okay and not dying of cramps.

Tyler ゝゎウ

Let's be honest...he's a lost, hopeless little teenage middle school boy. He doesn't know anything about periods except blood. When you first got it, you snapped at him a lot, which hurt him because he didn't know what was going on. But, he saw you rushing to one of your friend's lockers in desperation, and the back of your pants was stained red. He didn't talk to you until you were back to normal.

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