Priya x Fem! One-shot

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Requested by: PRIYAOFFICIALWIFE: Priya x Fem! Reader A sleepover at Mei's house leads to Abby suggesting for them all to play Spin The Bottle. Miriam goes first, and the bottle lands on Y/n. Miriam kisses Y/n. Since it is now Y/n's turn, she spins the bottle. It lands on Priya. Instead of just kissing Priya for a few seconds, Y/n has a whole make-out session with her for 15ish minutes. I WANT DRAMA!

Thank you for requesting! I feel good finally doing a female reader, as a female myself. I'm gonna age everyone up to 16 since I feel kinda uncomfortable writing this at the age they are. So ya, please enjoy! :}

Earlier in the week, Mei asked if we could come over to her house on the weekend. We all hadn't had a sleepover in ages due to school starting up again, so we all said yes. After packing everything I needed, I said bye to my parents and drove there. (Just imagine you can drive) Once I got there, I got greeted by Mei's parents. That's when Mei came sprinting out of her room and practically launched herself at me. 

She lead to me her room, and Abby was already there. I got my stuff set up, and we waited until everyone got there.

*Time skip brought to you by Mei's cringy pick-up lines*

Around half an hour later, everybody was there, and it was noon, so we had a bunch of time to kill. After eating some DELICIOUS lunch from Mr. Lee, we all started planning what we were gonna do. We were gonna do some karaoke, head to the park, play typical party games, and do some other stuff. 

We blasted 4*Town, and sang all of their songs TWICE, like the idiots we were. At some point, I got tired and just sat on the bed. I kept my eyes on Priya, though. Something about her dancing made me feel something in my chest. She eventually saw me, and I quickly looked away, but she gave me a faint smile.

*I apologize, but another time skip because idk what to write, brought to you by Nightfall (AKA Twilight) coming out three years before it actually does in the movie*

After getting home from the park, we were all bored and had nothing to do. We were all just laying around, when Abby just suddenly yelled, "I've got an idea! SPIN THE BOTTLE!"

Everybody was a bit skeptical, not being sure if we wanted to do it, but we bought in at some point. Mei went out to the kitchen to get a bottle when she came back in and said dinner was ready. I was a bit relieved because I was a bit scared of the whole kissing thing, so we went out and ate. After some more amazing food, I suggested we all watch a movie so that I could avoid the game, and everyone was cool with it. 

We all changed into our pajamas, and when Mei's parents fell asleep, we all put on some silly rom-com movie, since we didn't know what to watch. It was pretty cheesy, but it wasn't bad. Once it ended, we went back to Mei's room, and just when I thought everyone forgot, Mei pulled out the bottle.


I took a deep breath and sat in the now-forming circle. Miriam took the bottle first and spun it. I kind of zoned out but snapped back into it just in time to see it land right on me. I've already had my first kiss, so technically this doesn't count anymore, but it still kind of scares me in a way.

She scooched a bit closer to me, and I gave in and pressed my lips against hers. It was a lot better than I expected, and I melted into it for a bit until we had to pull apart. It was nice, and we both giggled a bit before I got the bottle passed to me. When I grabbed it, I saw Priya shooting daggers at me, which made me a bit confused, but I just ignored it.

I took it, spun it, and saw it land on Priya. Maybe this would make up for it. I got up to sit next to her, and just as I was about to do it, I looked into her eyes. That made me go into slow-mo. That's when I realized I may actually like this girl. I had always denied my feelings, pushed them down, but sometimes they'd poke through. It could be the way she sang, or even just her smiling, and I'd blush. Hard.

I was ready to admit it. So, I quickly claimed her lips and wrapped my arms around her neck. I wanted her to be mine. She was very taken aback but loosened up a bit. It felt short, but once we had finally pulled apart, Mei said, "Get a room, you two! You're getting too comfortable with this."

We both blushed very hard, but Priya grabbed my hand, and we both walked into the guest bedroom. She shut the door, and I sat down on the bed. She turned towards me and said, "I've been waiting for this for too long."

(Forgive me father, for I am about to sin)

I felt heat rush to my cheeks, but before I could push it down, she jumped on the bed, and this time, she was the one to kiss me. I didn't wanna stop, and apparently, she didn't either. She eventually crawled on top of me, and it got much more passionate than I anticipated.

Somewhere halfway through, she started licking at my bottom lip (I CAN'T RIGHT NOW-), but I denied it. I could tell she got a bit mad, so she did it again, and this time I opened my mouth. She quickly explored my mouth. It felt so good, finally getting to have a moment like this.

Once she was done with that, we kept kissing for a good 5 minutes, until someone opened the door. We looked over to see Miriam, staring with a concerned look in her eyes. She was closing the door, and she said, "Just checking to make sure you two weren't fucking, or anything."

We both quickly flipped her off. 

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