What clothes you two steal

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Meilin (Mei Mei) 慰ホシ

Her: Your shirts

Being the band kid you were, you had a lot of music shirts. Due to that, and Mei's parents not letting her get any shirts, she always asked if she can have some. She has at least 3 of yours at a certain time. 

You: Her hairclips

She had so many shapes and colors of them, and it was all like a mini collection. Sometimes you'd steal them and wear them the next day at school. She wouldn't get mad though and would ask if you wanted to keep them.

Miriam オ益イ

Her: Your jackets

From being a sports player and all, you'd have varsity jackets from different teams, and even one that one of your teammates made for the whole team. Even then, you had a lot of comfy and soft ones. Most of them were a bit large for you but would fit her, and any time you wore one to school, you'd let her wear it until the end of the day.

You: The beanie™️

Any time you spent the night at her house when you went to sleep, and she fell asleep first, you'd try and grab her beanie and stuff it in your bag. You did the same when she was in the bathroom in the morning. Sometimes you got caught, sometimes you didn't. She caught onto it but would let you do it since you always looked cute wearing it. Then when she couldn't find it in the morning, she'd run over to your house since she knew you had it. You'd open the door, wearing it.

Priya 飲ツヽ

Her: Your jewelry

From being a popular girl, you had a crap ton of jewelry: earrings, necklaces, rings, you name it. Usually, when you two had sleepovers, you'd have a chunk of time where she'd just look in your jewelry box and pick out things she wanted to wear. Sometimes she even tried to stick your earrings in her nose piercings. (FYI, it didn't work most of the time)

You: Everything

She just didn't care. Knowing you two were together, she knew that it was common for each other to steal clothes, so she let you. But sometimes she wouldn't even notice. You'd go to school wearing one of her shirts or sleep in her sweatpants, and she wouldn't notice. When she did, she didn't ask for them back. She just waited for you to give it back. (Which you did)

Abby 右億ヰ

Her: Your sweaters

A lot of the time, when it changed from summer to winter and vice versa, your mom and you went clothes shopping, and you LOVED sweaters, so you had a lot. Any time she was sitting in your room, she'd look in your closet and see the sweaters, and she'd grab them and put them on under her overalls. You'd laugh at how big they were on her.

You: Earrings

She was the one with all the cute earrings. You'd sneak them behind her back, and sometimes it would take even a week to notice you were wearing them. It was funny when she noticed because she was always on the brink of blowing up. When she got over it, she let you keep them if you gave them back.

Tyler マ 曖

You: His hoodies

It's a stereotypical couple thing. But, he had a lot of them, and you wouldn't even ask, he'd just give them to you. You'd wear them to school, and people would notice Tyler wearing them at one point, and they'd laugh, gawk, or just do whatever. They were just comfy.

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