You get badly hurt

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A/N: Been meaning to make this one for a while, but didn't wanna do it directly after the "You get hurt" chapter, so I waited for a bit. Here you go, take this angsty shit.

TW: Blood, cursing, knives

Meilin (Mei Mei) ビ桜ト

You and Mei were having a sleepover at your house. Of course, no sleepover movie night was complete without snacks, so you went to a little gas station to get snacks. After you got everything and paid, Mei said she needed to use the bathroom and she'd be right back, leaving you waiting outside. Being the impatient person you were, you walked around the building, when somebody pulled you. It was dark, so you couldn't tell what the person's face looked like, but it seemed to be a creepy dude in his late 40s. You tried to get away from his grasp, but he didn't let you. "So, what is it, kid? You got a boy you're seeing? I'll let you go if you tell me," he asked, very simply.

You said you weren't and to let you go, but he didn't believe you and pulled out something from his pocket. Not knowing what it was, you tensed up a lot and closed your eyes shut, when you felt something glide across your arm. Pain overtook your body as you realized this dude was cutting, deep, into your arm. You screamed, out of instinct, but the dude tried to cover your mouth before you could. It failed, and a few seconds later, Mei, as her red panda, came leaping out of the side of the building. She chased the guy away, and as soon as she did, she came over to come and comfort you. When she saw the gash across your arm, she let you on her back and rushed you to the ER. You had to wear gauze for a while until the wound healed, and even then it left a scar. 

 Miriam ゕんへ

Another month equaled another basketball game, and that was exactly where you were headed. It was a little team around 15 minutes away from your school, so it wasn't exactly big. When you got there, the ordinary drill played out:  say bye to Miriam/all your friends, get into the locker room, change, warm up, have a mini panic attack, and get out on the court. Once it was time to go out, you were more ready than anything to beat this small team. As soon as the referee blew the whistle, everything was going great. The ball was mostly going in your team's direction, and you made a lot of shots, no memorable highlights though.

 It was around halftime when everyone got back on the court when it went bad.

 When the referee blew the whistle again, you got passed the ball but failed to get it to the other side. Then, when you were on your side, playing defense, out of nowhere came the basketball, that flew none other than right into the side of your head. The damage of not knowing it was there made it so you got knocked to the ground and blacked out. 

You woke up in the hospital to see Miriam pacing back and forth in front of you, clearly crying beforehand, along with Priya and Mei in the seats to your left. They didn't even notice you were awake, because Mir kept getting stressed and rambling on about how bad it was. You literally had to scream to get them to notice. When they finally saw you sitting there, awake, Miriam instantly ran over to the bed and got on. She hugged you and refused to let go. The doctor came in and explained that you got a concussion, and you had blacked out so long that it was possible everyone thought you could be in a coma. Later, your parents arrived and made sure you were okay. You had to stay in the hospital for 3 days, and even then you had to stay home from school for another two weeks. The whole time, Miriam was by your side bringing you food, flowers, kisses, and cuddles.

Priya 泳スー

It was an idiotic move. So, one day, you were sitting on the bleachers with your clique after school. Everybody was really pissed with you because you didn't go to one of the girl's birthdays even though you weren't invited. You were sitting near the edge while everyone else was doing stuff like gossiping or fixing their hairclips. 

At some point, you just got bored and said you were going to the bathroom when you were just going to leave. You announced your intentions, and just as you were about to stand up, one of the girls pushed you off. Keep in mind, you were on the top level, so the damage was pretty bad. It hurt like hell, and what was worse was that you landed on your leg, and it felt like falling off. Everyone was laughing while you were laying, not being able to walk. As many times as you tried to get up, you just couldn't.

 After 5 minutes, a girl came down to make sure you weren't dead. She helped you get up, but she didn't help you try to walk, so you didn't know what to do. It was then you saw Priya at the other end of the court, running to you. She was extremely concerned and kept asking if you were okay, and you explained you couldn't walk. She gave you a piggyback ride to the nearest clinic, where they sent you to the ER. You broke your leg and had to have crutches for two months. Every time you went somewhere, Priya always asked if you could make it okay.

Abby ンもく

You were driving with your mom one day to the grocery store, and you were turning on a green light. But, someone came out of nowhere, running a red light, and rammed into the side of your car. It wasn't a massive hit, but enough to do some damage. You ended up both in the hospital, and you got a neck fracture. It was only a minor one, but it did hurt bad and you had to wear a brace for quite a while and stay in the hospital for at least a month. 

As soon as Abby didn't see you at school the next day, she freaked out. Plus, you weren't responding to any of her texts. So, she asked her mom if she knew, and the hospital called her earlier that day saying you and your mom were in there. She begged to see you, which her mom allowed. As soon as she saw you in the bed, with the brace on, she freaked out and kept asking if you were okay. You were fine, but almost every day after school she'd come to check on you and bring you candy and stuffed animals. She'd let you borrow her game consoles and she'd sometimes give you makeovers, and it was funny. 

Tyler チ桜現

It was a bright summer day, and the two of you decided to swim in his pool. It was calm and peaceful, and it was nice with the cold pool water. The both of you at some point decided to have a competition of who could stay underwater the longest. On the count of three, both of you went into the water, even though you were pretty bad at holding your breath, you still tried. 

Of course, Tyler pulled one of those moves where he let you win, but for some reason, you didn't see him get up, so you were under for quite a while. It was about when your lungs were about to give out that Tyler pulled you up. You were fine, but it hurt to breathe, so you went inside. The next day, you truly couldn't breathe, so you stayed in bed the whole day. Tyler called you and asked where you were, and as soon as he heard your raspy voice, he rushed over to your house. He let himself in through your window, and you explained you couldn't breathe. He left for a bit and came back with snacks and toys. The rest of the day, you guys spent playing board games, watching movies, cuddling, and being idiots. (I'm sorry if this wasn't really badly hurt)

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