Your birthday with them

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A/N: I'M REALLY SORRY THIS CAME OUT SO LATE, I COMPLETELY PUT THIS OFF UNTIL NOW 😭 (Also, check out the question at the end, and no, before you ask, it's sadly not my birthday, it is my unbirthday. I don't know why I didn't wait to write this until it was my birthday- ANYWAY, I'LL SHUT UP, ONTO THE CHAPTER)

Meilin (Mei Mei) 緯夜ス

- Sets up a surprise party at the temple

- She'll ask you after school (or randomly overcall if your birthday's in the summer or it's a weekend) to go to the temple. You're skeptical, but you go anyway

- As soon as you walk in, you're greeted by a bunch of people (including the rest of the gang) jumping up out of random places with party hats and streamers (which honestly scares the living Jesus out of you)

- There's a big reception and everything, then the cake comes out and OML


- Anyway, you guys eat cake after singing Happy Birthday (I can't be the only one who gets so awkward when people are singing happy birthday to you, like, you're just sitting there. I've never liked being the center of attention), open gifts that the people who actually managed could get you, and all in all, had a great day

Miriam 越イし


- She'll get you little gifts all throughout the week, and you end up doing something fun every day

- When it IS actually your birthday, she takes you to this little county fair (it's all she could afford, lmao, and if you have a winter birthday like me, just imagine it's during any other time but then)

- Forces you to do all the big scary rides

- Spoiler alert: You're scared before you get on the rides, but once you get off, your guys' spots are swapped. You're all like, "Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad!" and she's on the verge of a literal panic attack

- Afterward, she buys you candy, and you two head back to your house

- She gives you your gift, and she stays the night at your house

Priya テジ俺

- She is a woman of simple taste

- She tells the whole gang she's just gonna give you a gift, and get you a little cake, but they completely deny that

- Long story short, you're all now spending the night at Priya's house, and it's gonna be a birthday bash with you five

- It turns out to be a pretty fun time, and you do a lot of fun things

- Before you got there, everybody made you a cake (which surprisingly turned out delicious), and they sing Happy Birthday and all that good stuff

- You open the gifts everyone got you, obsess over them for a while, do a bit of Truth or Dare, watch a movie, stay awake doing whatever tf you guys do, and head to sleep

Abby ゟエタ

- She ends up bringing you to a little bakery

- There's a table just reserved for you two, she has your presents there, and it is going to be great

- Even though she doesn't have much money, she buys you everything you want (which isn't a lot) and then forces you to get more, because, cmon: it's your birthday

- After eating everything and getting a massive sugar rush, you head to the park

- There, you open your gift, you absolutely love it, and you jack off for like, an hour or two (I KNOW WHAT YOU WERE THINKING, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GODDAMN GUTTERS, MY LORD PEOPLE)

- She walks you to your house once the sugar crash starts kicking in

Tyler 亜ンニ

- He throws a party for you at his house

- A lot of people show up, even if they don't know you well (and if they ever bring up that you two are dating, you both completely deny it)

- You end up swimming in his pool, and it basically becomes a pool party (once again, fellow winter babies, just use your sweet imagination)

- There isn't a cake, but you honestly don't care: the experience of being there is good enough already

- Even if not a lot of people knew you well, they managed to bring a lot of gifts, and you end up having a haul

- You're exhausted afterward, so Tyler walks you home after you both secretly slip out of the party

(So, I'm just curious, would you guys be interested in a reverse chapter? For example, instead of "your birthday with them," it's "their birthday with you," or something like that. If you are, comment you are, and maybe give me a request for one if you'd like. Alright, thanks guys, love you all, stay hydrated, and remember to enjoy yourselves. Bye! <3)

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