How you met

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A/N: Hey, I've already gotten some requests, so I'll get to those right after I finish this chapter. This chapter will probably be a cute lovey-dovey chapter, so enjoy!

Meilin (Mei Mei) ゝ詠゙

It had been a terrible day in school: you woke up late, forgot your English homework, spilled chocolate milk all over your shirt, and worst, completely butchered your saxophone solo in band class. You were very upset, since you had been working on it for days, and messed it up completely. So, the next class you had, almost as soon as it started, you excused yourself to the bathroom. You put your back up against the restroom stall door after shutting it and let it all out. You didn't know how long you were going to, but it needed to happen. Eventually, maybe around 5 minutes later, you heard someone open the door. As soon as you heard it, you shut up to not concern whoever it was, maybe a teacher. But you didn't realize you were still sitting on the floor until someone knocked on the door. You jumped, but got soothed by a soft voice of an Asian girl asking, "Hey, are you okay in there?"

In your best "I totally wasn't crying before you got here voice," you said, "Mhm, ya, just...sitting on the floor of the bathroom- okay, maybe I'm not."  You let out a little sniffle after that line, and the mysterious girl asked to go into the stall, so you unlocked it to be met with a beautiful girl with black, short hair and brown eyes. You thought you recognized her until you realized who it was: Meilin Lee, the flute player in your class. 

The two of you never really talked, but did acknowledge each other existed. She plopped down on the floor next to you and asked what was wrong. After a little mini-therapy session, the two of you were about to leave, but you didn't want to be done with this girl just yet. "Hey, um, Mei?" She cocked her head to the side, about to open the door to leave. "I don't know, could we friends? The way you talked to me wasn't like anybody had before, and you're so nice and caring, and-"

"Are you kidding (Y/N)? Of course! Do you wanna meet me at my house tonight? I don't have anything going on, and my dad's a really good cook." You nodded your head quicker than you could say "flute girl" and the two of you offered to exchange addresses and phone numbers after school. Before she left, she said, "By the way, that saxophone solo was much better than I could ever do with this flute. You were great even though you messed up." 

Miriam くだ゛

It was raining outside; not even raining, pouring cats and dogs out. You didn't take the school bus to and from school, and your house was at least a 20-minute walk away, but the Daisy Mart was around halfway from your house, so you decided to stop by to get a drink and some snacks, and just to not be soaked to the bone. So, you went inside and purchased (insert food and drink of your choice). The cashier, Devon, rang you up, and you left. 

When you left, it was somehow raining even harder, and it was hard to see a few feet in front of you. Once you built up the courage to walk back home, you exited and almost got the wind knocked out of you. You fell on your butt, so you were fine but looked up to see a worried face. It was a girl wearing a beanie with a matching plaid jacket, partnered with braids behind her head. She was carrying a skateboard, so you supposed that's what hit you. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay, d-did I hurt you, I'm sorry," the girl stammered.

"Oh, I'm fine," you replied blowing it off. 

"Well, that's good, but the least I could do is ride you home so you don't get hit again. The rain is so weird tonight."  So you agreed since it wouldn't be bad to have some company. You were confused as to what she meant by "ride," but she let you on the back of her skateboard, hands on her shoulders, racing through the rain. 

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