Chapter Four: Young Avengers

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The next day Clint decides to call Tony.

Clint: Hey Tony, Do you have a second to talk?

Tony: Yeah, What's up? I was just about to grab a drink? Where are you? Do you want one?

Clint: I'm actually in the City right now but thanks. Random question. Are you still in touch with that kid from queens?

Tony: Yes I am. I have been helping Peter out. Just making sure he is safe and not taking on too much. Why?

Clint: Last week I came in contact with another kid who has insane abilities. I think she can be an asset like Peter.

Tony: You have my attention. Go on.

Clint: I was keeping an eye on the tracksuit mafia like we all agreed on since I am here in the city and I saw someone kicking their ass. So I decided to see who it was and it was this kid. She's really skilled. I saw it for myself. She's a martial artist, a master archer and marksman, and a swordswomen.

Tony: Like you?

Clint: Yeah. I made her go through a skills assessment. I'm impressed by what she can do. I know Peter hasn't been trained by us yet. I was thinking maybe we can train them together. If you want to get Peter more involved.

Tony: What's her name? Tell me more.

Clint: Her name is Kate Bishop.

Tony decides to look Kate up and see where she comes from. Find out all he can about her. Making sure she's the real deal. He trusts Clint though.

Tony: This could work Clint.

Clint: I think so too. We will need to talk to the rest of the team first but I thought it could be cool to put the kids through training together.

Tony: I agree. Maybe we can call them the Young Avengers.

Clint: I like the sound of that. I'll reach out to everyone and see if they can get together to talk about this. See you soon.

Tony: Okay perfect. Bye Clint. 

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