Chapter Three: Kate's Showcase

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Meanwhile, Yelena has been working for an agency where people hire her to kill certain targets. It's not her dream job but she has a very specific skill set; kill or be killed. Right now Yelena is finishing up something she was hired to do. Then she will have a little break in between jobs. A little holiday to have time to herself. Then after her little break she will move on to the next job whatever that may be. Yelena and Natasha have not been in contact but they will always be sisters. They just chose different paths. Natasha always thought Yelena could be more.

A few days after meeting Kate, Clint needed to see for himself what Kate could do. Clint set up something where Kate could showcase her skills. A skills challenge he came up with himself. She didn't miss once. She completed all the tasks with ease.

Clint: Alright good work! Come down, let's talk.

Kate goes down to talk to Clint. This is her dream. Meeting her hero. Getting a chance to showcase her skills. It feels like she's dreaming.

Clint: You definitely have a lot of skills and knowledge.

Kate: thanks! It means a lot coming from you. I really do look up to you.

Clint: Thanks Kate! That's nice to hear.

Kate: What's next? What else do I need to do?

Clint: Right now I don't have any other skill texts planned for you right now. We'll keep in touch. I'm going to talk to the rest of the team to see what they think. You'll need training for sure.

Kate: Come on. I want to show you one more thing.

Kate really wanted to seal the deal with Clint and show how she can handle little random tests. Something spontaneous. Like hitting a bell in a clock tower. She would really like the chance to prove herself more. And if she had the opportunity to train with the Avengers, that would be amazing. She thought showing Clint one last thing would leave a good impression and make him remember her even more.

Kate climbed to the top of a building across a street from a bell tower. She set up her bow and arrow. She took a breath. And just like that she hit the bell. First try. Clint was impressed. It's refreshing for him to see this. He will be talking to Tony about her for sure. He needs to talk to Tony first before she brings this to the rest of the team.

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