Chapter Nine: Blooming Friendship

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Over the week before training Kate and Peter have been texting to get to know each other more. Tony stressed how important communication is so Peter took that to heart. Peter is happy he met Kate. He just knows they will be good friends and great teammates. They do have a lot in common as well. He's thankful for this new friendship. He needed this. Training starts soon. Kate and Peter are both ready. There are still a lot of unanswered questions like who will lead them? How long will training be for?

Peter loves school but he also hates it. He doesn't have a lot of friends besides Ned and MJ. He is constantly being made fun of by his bully named Flash. Being Spider-Man helps him a lot. It gives him confidence. Now it's nice to have another friend like Kate, who doesn't go to school with him.

Kate has been torn for awhile now. While laying on her couch she is lost in thought. But she knows she needs to tell her mom that she is stopping college and is going to become an Avenger. Her mom will be so mad at her but this is what Kate really wants to do with her life. Kate's mother supports her hobbies but she never thought Kate would go off and be a superhero. Her mother wants her to take her place as the CEO of Bishop Security. She doesn't want to be a disappointment. Kate is trying to figure out the best way to tell her mom. What's the right way to tell your mother that you're done studying and becoming an Avenger?

Later that night. May and Peter go out to dinner after Peter does light neighborhood watching as Spider-Man. May is talking to Peter about her day and stuff going on in her life. But Peter just cannot concentrate. He just keeps thinking about Avenger stuff and texting Kate back.

May: You have been so distracted. Hello! Earth to Peter. Peter talked to me.

Peter looks up at May.

May: This past week you've been on your phone way too much. This has been the first time we've sat together in a week. I need to know, Are you dating someone? Is that why you've been constantly on your phone?

Peter: No.. No.. It's not like that in May. I've been talking to the person I'll be training with. Lady Hawkeye. We are just getting to know each other. It's important to trust team members.

May: If I'm being honest I'm still not sure about this training situation and joining the Avengers. Peter I'm worried. I need you to promise me, if things become too crazy and you think you are gonna get hurt you let them know. You're still a kid Peter. I can't lose you like Uncle Ben and your parents. You understand?

Peter: Yeah, yes, of course May. You're not gonna lose me, I promise.

May: Good, I love you Peter!

Peter: I love you too, May.

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