Chapter Sixteen: Yelena

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The next night. Peter, Clint, and Kate are still after the tracksuit mafia and trying to figure out their plans. They need to be stopped. They now have the keys from them. They figured out it was for an apartment building and knew they had to go search the room it opened. Clint and Kate start off on the top of the building across the street. Peter is on top of the apartment building. Clint sends Kate to check out the building right now while he watches everything.

Peter: I'm in position. What should I do now?

Clint: Just keep an eye out on everything. If there's a problem you know what to do.

Kate: I'm on my way to the building entrance. All I have to do is search the room that we have the key for right?

Clint: Yes. Just be careful okay. Let me know if you need me to come over there. I'll be on the lookout for anything outside the building.

Kate: Don't worry I'll be fine.

Peter: Guys do you hear that? I think there's a gun fight going on or something. I know we are on a mission but should I go deal with that?

Clint: Go Peter. We have it handled here. Be careful. Report back.

Kate eventually makes it to the room and uses the key to open the door.

Clint: Anything Kate?

Kate gets into the room and walks in. She is not really sure what to expect. She isn't sure what to look for, But they just need to find out more about the tracksuit mafia. Maybe there is some sort of clue in here.

Clint: What do you see? Anyone home?

All of a sudden she hears a noise. She is panicking . She can't move. Someone is there with her.

Kate: Someones here.. Clint?

Kate turns around and Echo, the leader of the tracksuit mafia, hits her in the head.

Peter goes to deal with the guns he heard while Kate and Clint deal with the mission. He is wearing a new suit that Tony left for him. The suit is bullet proof. He really likes how. the new suit looks and everything that comes with it.

While Kate is trying to fight Echo, Clint gets ambushed by Yelena. Yelena was following Peter all night. She knew it was time to strike but he then disappeared on her. She is pissed. He was literally right here.

Yelena: Where is Peter Parker? He was just here.

Clint: Why are you looking for Peter?

Kate: Clint I need your help...

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