Chapter Seventeen: A Widow Assassin

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Clint: I'm a little busy over here. Kate Swing over.. Hurry.

Clint lets out an arrow with a rope to help Kate come over to the building he was on top of fast. He has no idea why this person is attacking him and looking for Peter. But Clint continues to fight. Kate swings over.

Peter: Hey I'm all finished over here, should I come back?

Clint: Stay where you are.

Things got even more crazy. The person who was fighting Kate in the apartment building followed Kate over to this building. So now they are all fighting each other. Echo is fighting Kate and Clint. Yelena is fighting Kate and Clint. And Clint and Kate are trying to defend themselves. To Yelena, Echo was making everything worse for her so she used her Black Widow Bite that discharges electricity to immobilize her enemies from the fight.

Kate knew she needed to stop everyone from fighting so she used one of the trick arrows to push everyone off each other and make them all stop fighting for a second. Clint, Yelena, and Echo went flying.

Yelena: UGHH.

Kate: Back off.

Kate shoots an arrow at Echo and hits her. After getting shot with the arrow, Echo decides to colt before they come after her again. She goes to find the other members of the mafia. She needs to make a plan to stop the Avengers.

Yelena knows she should have hidden herself in the shadows and bolted when she found out Peter wasn't here, but it's too late for that. She needs to fight it out and then go find Peter. She is usually so much better than this. She made a mistake. She is so mad at herself. Clint goes after her.

Yelena decides to use her Black Widow Bite on Clint to immobilize him so she can get away. But Kate is still there. Her mask has come off. Time to face Kate and Clint face to face. Kate pulls up her bow and arrow ready to shoot Yelena. Yelena looks at her and shakes her head. Kate could not shoot at her. This is Yelena's time to leave. Her mission was a failure today but she is not leaving New York until she kills Peter Parker. Yelena then jumps off the building. Clint takes off the Black Widow Bite from his neck.

Kate: Who the hell was that?

Clint: A Widow assassin. We need to go get Peter and go to the Avengers facility now.

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