Chapter Twenty-One: Anyone can be Redeemed

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A couple of days later. After seeing Yelena a couple of days ago, Nat went back to the facility and told everyone the full story on who Yelena was and how Yelena was hired to kill Peter. Also how she knew in her heart Yelena didn't want to. How Yelena could be good.

Steve: Hey. I came to check up on you.

Nat: I don't know what to do. I'm worried about her.

Nat hasn't heard from Yelena since then which makes her emotional. She keeps replaying everything in her head. Should she have handled it Differently? The whole team has been very supportive and understanding. They just want to know for Peter's sake.

Yelena hasn't made a decision about anything. Over the couple of days, she still followed Peter. Peter could sense himself being followed. He wondered if he could help her see some good in herself. But since he was still staying at the facility he had to be smart about this.

Steve: She'll make the right decision Nat. Just give her more time.

Nat: I don't know Steve.

Steve: From what you told me, I think she just needs the right convincing. You're her sister. Don't blame yourself for anything. You know this isn't your fault.

Nat: You didn't see her face and how she was talking to me. I should have found her after the Red Room was taken down.

Peter knew it was time to confront Yelena. Confront her when she wasn't expecting it. Kate and Peter made an amazing plan. They snuck out of the facility and made sure to trap Yelena. Kate is on lookout. Not too close to Yelena and Peter but close enough to take action if needed. They knew it was risky but Peter thought if he talked to Yelena he could convince her to stay and stop killing people. Especially to not kill him. Kate agreed.

Yelena: Peter Parker. Come to fight me?

Peter: Listen, I don't know who hired you to kill me but I'm not a bad person. I only try to help people. I know you're not a bad person either.

Yelena: Don't act like you know me Peter Parker.

Peter: I'm sorry. Nat talked to all of us about you. She told us how you're her sister and that she believes in you. So I feel like I have to believe in you. Even if you are trying to kill me.

Yelena: I've only known how to do one thing since I was six. That is killing, hurting people. I'm not a good person. I'm not someone people should believe in. I'm a killer. You know I'm hired to kill you. Why are you here?

Peter: If you weren't having second thoughts, you would have killed me already. Am I wrong?

Kate: Peter can you hear me? If you need me, give me the signal. I'm in position.

Yelena: Well, no you are not wrong. You know for a teenager you are very bright. You must have really pissed off someone to want you killed.

Peter: I've made a lot of people mad. Sent some people to prison. I just think if people want to be good they can be. Even if their past is full of hate and blood. People can change. You can change.

Yelena: I don't know how to change.

Peter: Come to the Avengers Facility. Everyone can help you.

Yelena: Nat did say I was welcome. But I've hurt so many people. I kill for money. I'm not redeemable.

Peter: You are. It's not what you've done, it's what you do in the future to redeem yourself.

Yelena was impressed with Peter. It takes a lot of confidence to confront someone trying to kill you. The conversation has Yelena asking so many questions. Maybe she could try this hero thing out. Maybe it is time to quit. It's time to rebuild her relationship with her sister. It's time to change. She needs love and kindness in her life. Peter was the first bit of kindness thrown her way in a while.

A few days after her conversation with Peter, she made up her decision. She texted Valentina to quit, who was not happy at all. Eight after quitting she knew she needed to call and find Nat. She hopes this will be a new start for her. 

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