Chapter Twenty-Seven: First Mission

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A couple weeks go by. Peter, Kate, and Yelena have been training and are preparing for their first mission together. Tonight is the night for the mission they've been working so hard for. Kate and Yelena are in the same building. Peter is in another building standing by.

Yelena: I'm entering now. Peter be ready. Kate, keep your eyes out around the room.

Kate: All good over here. Peter, do you copy?

Peter is making sure everything looks okay from outside the building when he senses something wrong with his Peter tingle. He can sense he isn't alone here. So he decides to walk around the room he is in. He has to be ready for anything.

Yelena is observing everything and everyone. She doesn't spot any undercover tracksuit mafia. What is going on? She knows this can't be good but she will not panic. Across the way in a different building, the tracksuit mafia is working with an agency to distract the team and is ready to make a scene.

Kate: Shots fired. We need to get to the shooter.

After walking around Peter found this man standing in a room waiting for him. Peter doesn't want to take any chances.

Green Goblin: Spider-Man. Thought you could escape your destiny. You are supposed to die.

Peter: Who are you? I have no idea what you are talking about.

Green Goblin: They call me Goblin, Green Goblin. Your friends Vulture and Scorpion say hi.

Kate hasn't heard back from Peter which makes her worried. What the hell is happening? She knows she needs to find Yelena asap. Something doesn't feel right. Kate finds Yelena by the elevators.

Kate: Hey, have you heard from Peter? I'm getting worried. Where are you going? This isn't part of the plan.

Yelena: No. But I'm just going to wing it.

Yelena walks towards an elevator to get in it. Kate follows her.

Yelena: No Kate. Stay here.

Kate jumps into the elevator with Yelena. No way Yelena is going to do anything without her. Yelena rolls her eyes. Yelena wanted Kate to stay because she hasn't heard from Peter either and is going to find him.But if something is wrong she doesn't want Kate to be there. 

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