Chapter Twenty: Sisterly Reunion

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Yelena and Nat fought each other until they called a truce while choking each other on the floor. They both didn't want to fight each other but they both got defensive since they haven't seen each other in so long. When in this type of circumstance, they just jump to fighting even if they don't want to. Yelena is kind of happy that Nat found her though.

Nat: Can we talk this out Yelena?

Yelena is just in shock that Nat is laying right in front of her. Seeing her sister just changes everything. But she does know why Nat is here. She fought Clint. She's after Peter. Yelena knew it was only a matter of time till Nat came to look for her. It's not that hard to explain everything but how do you tell your sister that you still kill for a living? That you are the opposite of her.

Yelena: I need a drink.

Yelena gets up from the ground. Nat follows her to the kitchen.

Nat: Why are you after Peter?

Yelena: I was hired by my boss to find out who Spider-Man was and then kill him. This job was going to earn me a raise. Maybe enough to get me out of this lifestyle, for good.

Nat walks over towards Yelena.

Yelena: Disappointed?

Nat: I thought when the Red Room fell, you got out.

Yelena: Well you never came to find me. I didn't have the same opportunities as you.

Nat: That's not fair. I did everything I could to bring down the Red Room. I took Dreykov down. You could have made a better life for yourself. That is not my fault.

Yelena: You were the only thing I had to a sister. A family.

Nat: I get that. But you could have done so much. I get it, the Red room took so much from us. But that doesn't mean you need to go around killing people for money. You're better than that. Peter is just a kid. Do you really want to kill a kid? Take his life like our childhood was taken?

Yelena: Of course I don't want to kill a kid Natasha. I didn't even know he was a kid until I got to New York. I wanted to find a way for him not to suffer.

Nat: So either way you would have killed him? You can't do this. You can be better than this Yelena. I won't let you. Come stay with me. Quit this job. Come be a hero.

Yelena: I'm no hero.

Nat: But you could be, You can change. I'll give you a few days to think about it. I can tell you're tired. I can tell your heart is not in it. I hate to see you this unhappy.

Yelena: I don't know.

Nat: You know you don't want to kill Peter. I hate to say this but if you won't stop this mission the Avengers will come fight you and get you out of New York. I won't have someone here that is against us. We have too many of those.

Yelena: Understood. It was good to see you. 

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