Chapter Twenty-Two: White Widow

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After Yelena reached out to Nat about how she quit and wasn't after Peter anymore. Peter, May, and Kate were allowed to leave the protection of the Avengers and do whatever they wanted to do. Peter is happy he was able to convince Yelena to be good.

Kate decides to walk Peter halfway to school today to talk to him. She's worried about leaving the protection of the Avengers. She's worried that Yelena is still after Peter. That she is lying to everyone. Tricking everyone.

Kate: Are you not worried that she just tricked Nat and she's still after you? How can you be so chill about this? You trusted her way to fast Peter. Look I know I didn't hear the conversation between you two but I don't trust her. I care about you Peter. I think you still need to be careful.

Peter: Kate, I really do believe there is a good person in her. You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself.

Peter instantly regretted saying that. He's just been having a tough time at school and is just so tired. He just wants some time to himself which was hard to get at the Avengers Facility. But he's happy to just be home with May. He hopes he didn't hurt Kate's feelings.

Kate: Oh okay. I thought we were a team. You know the Young Avengers, we stick together.

Peter looks at Kate.

Kate: Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy? Do you not want to continue the Young Avengers with me?

Peter: What no.

Kate: Okay. I'll see you later. Have fun at school, bye.

Later that night. Nat picks up Yelena so they can talk. Nat wants Yelena to come live with her but Yelena isn't too sure what she wants to do. This is so new to Yelena. She's finally free. She doesn't want to be a burden. She knows she wants to be good. She wants to have a purpose.

Nat: Yelena, I really think you should think about it. I think I have the perfect job for you. I want you to lead the Young Avengers. You'd be perfect.

Yelena: The Young Avengers? You really think I'd be good at this? I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit nervous to go with you. I'm sure everyone has doubts about me.

Nat: Trust me, they are big on forgiveness and second chances. You can do this.

Yelena: What do you think of the name White Widow?

Nat: I love it.

Yelena: I've always wanted to have a cool name like you. I think I should get a white suit.

Nat: Yes!

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