Chapter Twelve: Disapproval

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A few days later. Training went well for Kate and Peter. They have been non-stop texting about it. Kate has finally decided to tell her mom how she is joining the Avengers. She told her about how it started and how she just had training. Her mom does not take it well at all.

Kate: don't roll your eyes at me mom. I'm being serious about this. This is a great opportunity.

Eleanor: Kate I did not pay all this money for college for you to be a drop out and become a superhero.

Kate: This is what I want to do.

Eleanor: It's not safe Kate. Being a superhero comes with loss and pain. Do you really want to go through that again?

Kate: Mom, Mom, this has nothing to do with dad. Don't bring him into this right now. I have been training for this moment my whole entire life. All those lessons and competitions. This was always something I wanted to do.

Eleanor: Seriously Kate. You will finish college. You will forget about these insane ideas to become an Avenger. Maybe I shouldn't have put you in lessons as a child. I thought your dream was to take over as CEO at Bishop Security.

Kate: You wanted that. That was your dream.

Eleanor: Honey, I really think you should rethink this. I'm looking out for your best interest. Listen I know you're an adult now but I'm still your mother. Being an Avenger isn't the right path. I love you, but this needs to stop. How about you and me and Jack having dinner?

Kate: I can't believe you. I'm going out. Don't wait for me.

Eleanor: Don't leave. I can see you're angry with me. Just stay. There's no reason to storm off.

Kate: I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Bye.

Kate storms off. 

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