Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Green Goblin

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Meanwhile, Peter and the Green Goblin are fighting. It's getting very intense and Peter is getting worried. Everything is starting to come together. Vulture and Scorpion hired Yelena's Agency to kill him. It seems that he is still a target. He thought he was in the clear. The Green Goblin is a menace. Peter is honestly scared of him. It's like he wants to get punched. Peter is taken back for sure. Peter and the Green Goblin fall through multiple floors.

The elevator stops where Yelena needs it to be.

Yelena: Lets' go! Take off the disguise.

Yelena starts to run. Kate follows. Yelena is running towards a window. To help Yelena, Kate throws something at the window for her. She accidentally hits her hand in the process.

Yelena: OW. Kate that really hurt.

Kate: Oh my god. Sorry I was trying to help you. You said to wing this.

Yelena: I told you I was going to wing it. I didn't tell you to wing it.

Kate: I think I misunderstood that.

Yelena: bye.

Yelena jumps out the window. She knows she needs to find Peter as soon as possible. Peter hasn't answered in way too long.

Kate: YELENA! Wait for me!

Kate gets ready to jump. Yelena ran without Kate. Kate is scared to jump but she knows she has to do it. Once Kate reaches the ground, she runs to go find Yelena.

After getting thrown through multiple floors, Peter knows he has to get up and try to get out more into the open. He knows the Green Goblin won't stop until he is dead. Green Goblin found Peter and started to choke him to death.

Green Goblin: YOU ARE NOTHING.

Yelena finally found Peter. Yelena was shocked to find Peter half dead. Being choked. Who the hell is this guy? She's just so confused. All she knows is she needs to save Peter, just like Peter saved her. 

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