Chapter Twenty-Four: No Trust

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Kate: If Peter didn't talk to you or Nat didn't come find you, would you be sorry then? Would you be so sorry if you actually killed Peter? What if you actually went for it? Would you feel bad? Or would you be moving on to the next mission without a second thought? I'm not gonna work with a killer.

Kate gets up from her seat and starts pacing.

Peter: Kate. Calm down. Come sit back down.

Kate: No. This is bullshit Peter.

Yelena: Are you done Kate?

Nat: Enough everyone. No more of this.

Yelena: I really didn't think I would need to explain myself today. I am sorry Peter. I don't appreciate being yelled at. Yes, I am a killer. But that's how I was raised. I was forced to be a killer, an assassin. But you know Nat was too. And you all praise her.

Kate: All I'm saying is that it's still fresh. It hasn't been long. How do you expect to trust someone like you? If you wanted to choose a different path you would have. Don't lie, you liked killing.

Yelena: I'm trying. Most of my life has been painful. I wasn't allowed to choose a different path. I did what I did to survive. I didn't have a choice when I was younger. Do you honestly think I want to kill people? No.

Kate didn't know what to say. Everything happened so fast. She was just so mad. Peter was almost killed. Everything could have been different. Kate doesn't want to feel bad for Yelena. But maybe Kate took it too far? Yelena started tearing up while talking about her past.

Yelena: Whatever.

She didn't know Yelena had been through so much. How would Kate know? This whole breakdown doesn't change how Kate feels though. She still doesn't trust Yelena at all. And she doesn't know if she can ever trust her.

Yelena gets up from the table and walks away. She doesn't want to hear anything else Kate has to say. She is trying. Trying to move on. It's going to be harder than she thought.

Nat: Yelena!

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