Chapter Two: The Ground

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Peter grabbed the attention of Tony Stark when Peter fought against the Vulture. Peter stopped the Vulture and tried to take a plane's worth of Tony Stark's plane. Vulture was sent to prison while Peter was sought out by Tony. Tony has been monitoring and mentoring Peter and making sure he doesn't go after anything too big and too crazy. He is only a teenager. Tony wants him to be safe. While Peter is following a lead he ends up getting himself into trouble. Tony ends up helping him out and decides to talk to him.

Tony: Peter you need to keep an eye on the neighborhood. Let the Avengers handle everything else.

Peter: But I took on Vulture. I'm ready for more. I thought you were going to teach me about taking on bigger things.

Tony: You are not ready for that Kid. Everyone starts off on the ground. You need to learn. Then you can start training.

Peter: Training?

Tony: Yes, training. Training is very important Peter but I need you to learn more about yourself and your powers. Then we can train you in a. team. Everyone goes through training.

Peter: For how long? I think I can do more. I am ready to train Mr. Stark.

Tony: I'll teach Touch Kid. Keep up the good work but stay safe. Anything too big and you know you can't handle it alone, call me!

Meanwhile, Kate has got herself into some trouble going against people on her own. She wanted to prove that she can do anything she puts her mind to. Clint just happened to be keeping an eye on all the trouble and decided to confront Kate. He knew the people she was fighting were dangerous.

Clint: Come on..

Kate: You're.. You're Hawkeye.

Clint: And who the hell are you?

Clint decides to take Kate to a diner to talk to her. He wants to find out who she is and what she was doing out there by herself.

Clint: So Kate Bishop. you just happened to come across all these dangerous people? You could have been seriously hurt. What were you thinking about taking on all of those men by yourself? Have you been following them? What exactly have you been doing? Because we have been keeping an eye on them.

Kate: I came across a few things that they were doing and I thought I should step in. I've worked my whole life for this.

Clint: Listen.. You did good and it does look like you have the skills to do this But that doesn't mean you should step in.

Kate: I was meant to do this.

As Kate said this to Clint.. It hit him.. There are a ton of kids out. there. doing the same thing. She is without the proper training. They do not have help from anyone. But what if they did have help?

Kate: I want to do this. I've prepared for this. Ever since the battle of New York.

Clint: What exactly can you do then?

Kate: I have been trained in self defense and I have skills in boxing, jiu jitsu, and other unarmed combat. And I also am proficient at using swords, bows and arrows, and battle staves.

Clint: Well, let's see what you can do.  

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