Chapter Eight: Peter meets Kate

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The next week. Happy picks up Peter after school and brings him to the Avengers Facility. He will finally get to meet Kate. He's eager to start training and to spend time with the Avengers. Tony greets him by the door.

Tony: I'm glad you can make it, kid. I'm happy this can finally happen for you. It's important to know how this will work. Training will be once a week. You know Nat and Steve will be training you. We are also thinking we will have you guys go on smaller missions with one of us until we find a permanent leader for you guys.

Peter: When will training start again? And can it be after school? May would kill me if I missed school. What kind of mission will that consist of?

Tony: Training starts next week. We want sometime in between for everyone to get to know each other and become comfortable. We are a family here Peter. We take care of each other. So just know if you are struggling, come to us. And whenever you want a new suit, I have a lot of ideas for you. You can even make your own if you would like. We want this to feel like your second home. The whole team is excited for this and to really get to know you.

Peter: The whole team is here?

Tony: Everyone is right this way, Here's who you';; be training with! Kate!

Kate turns toward Peter and smiles at him.

Peter: Uh.. Hi..

Kate: Hey!

Peter: I'm Peter Parker.

Kate: I'm Kate Bishop, nice to meet you! So you're Spider-Man then?

Peter: Yeah. Everyone always expects me to be older, but you know anyone can be a superhero right?

Kate: True.

Kate and Peter talk a little bit more before going in to talk to the rest of the team. Everyone is so excited that Peter and Kate are there. Peter and Kate exchange numbers so they can start getting to know each other over the week before training.

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