Chapter Six: Scorpion and Vulture

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Meanwhile Vulture is sent to prison for everything he has done. All thanks to Peter. While walking throughout the prison he sees Scorpion; Another person who was sent to prison because of Peter.

Scorpion: Well well well. Look who it is. What are the odds we are sent to the same prison?

The Vulture stares at Scorpion.

Scorpion: Oh this? Got it the day I was arrested. You know, from our little friend Spider-Man.

Vulture: Ah. Yes.

Scorpion: I have some connections on the outside. I have this idea. We put a hit on our mutual friend. Make sure he gets what he deserves for sending us here. you in?

Vulture: Well I do like the sound of that. Make the call.

Peter has been doing his typical routine. He goes to school then he watches over the neighborhood and then heads home for dinner with May. While Peter is taking a break to eat a snack, Tony calls him.

Peter: Oh hey Mr. Stark. What's up? Do you need me to do anything?

Tony: Just wanted to check in with you and see how everything is going. Also I wanted to let you know that training will start soon for you.

Peter: Wait, really I can start soon? I thought you said I wasn't ready yet. This is amazing!

Tony: The team and I talked about it and we think you are ready. You will be training in a duo.

Peter: I won't be the only person being trained?

Tony: Yes. We have a new recruit. Her name is Kate Bishop. We think you guys can be a good duo and work well together.

Peter: Oh cool. When does the training start? You know I'm ready whenever you need me.

Tony: Training starts in two weeks! Nat and Steve will be training you guys.

Peter: Black Widow and Captain America are training us? Awesome! When do I get to meet this Kate Bishop person?

Tony: Next week you will meet her. We will be holding a little party for you guys at the Avengers Facility. Happy will pick you up!

Peter: Okay sounds good! See you next week then! So we meet and then training starts the week after?

Tony: Exactly Kid!

Peter: Okay! Bye Mr. Stark.

Tony: Bye Kid.

Peter is super excited with all of this. The Avengers are finally giving him a chance to be a part of the team. This has been his dream since he got his powers. He wonders what Kate could do. She must be impressive if she caught the eye of the avengers. He can't wait till next week. 

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